Are billboard limited to colors that can be printed?
No, we can go full out. The price is the same.
AWESOME work Herzog!
I like it!
I'll eleventh that sentiment. I like it as well.
Steve we can re-shoot the photo at summer convention if you want. We would have a good selection of rigs and people.
Yes, we can definitely do that.
I like Shanes idea,easy to read and figure out.
Maybe do it with pictures of different areas depending on where the billboard is located, desert, mountains, redrock.
I'd definitely like to do that as well.
The cost is per billboard. It costs $725 to have the cover printed and installed, so we could use different art on each billboard. Also, if we want to change it later, we can do that. Although, I'm trying to avoid that. $725 a pop adds up.
We'll actually end up with 5 total:
Sigurd I-70, facing west
Mouth of Spanish Fork canyon, facing east (existing one)
Hwy 6 in Helper, facing south
I-80 at Delle, facing west
I-15 at Cove Fort, facing south
So using a different background photo in each locale would be very good.
I like WJ ZUK's also. Something about Moab and San Rafael Swell would be good on the Spanish Fork Canyon sign.
Keep any additional ideas coming. We need to get art done and printed soon, but I don't want to rush and end up with something that isn't productive in generating action (phone calls and web visits in this case).