Utah Rave Update


Senior Member
In the ZJ


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Supporting Member
thats pretty messed up.

I thought this comment made by one of the DJ's was interesting

but whats even more ****ed up is hundreds of kids on drugs driving home on the freeway while they were just in major trauma.

I thought they said previously that there were no drugs there?



Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Cody said:
thats pretty messed up.

I thought this comment made by one of the DJ's was interesting

I thought they said previously that there were no drugs there?


I think I understand how this works... there weren't any drugs. ;) ;)


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
Here is a link to the Utah County regulations for a mass gathering. There is a TON of issues you have to address to put something together like that. From my 5-10 minutes of reading it looks like they probably did not meet all the requrements. These are all things to keep in mind for jeep events as well, I could see a friendly RME jeep compitition with enough people showing up that these would be required too. From the rave link they applies to groups over 250, but I did not read that on the county website.



Well-Known Member
Cody said:
I thought they said previously that there were no drugs there?


well, whats funny is a girl who my wife works with had her brother arrested as he was leaving the rave at Little Moab because he was so drugged up (mostly on Extasy)...so for them to say there were "NO" drugs there is pretty naive and cowardly.


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
Quick search on local news found these articles, seems like there is lots of drug evidence. Kind of hard to hide an OD'd 17 year old, and the guns showing up can't be a good sign. The party organizes are all upset and want to sue, but sounds like it may be a difficult defence when their own witness mention drugged and drunk drivers, at the same time they say there was no drugs.




Saw it on the news last night (can't remember what channel), and they showed a huge stash of confiscated narcotics inlcuding ecstasy and weed. The 2 organizers were interviewed, and they made a comment that there were no drugs there, because they had hired security guards to search them before entering. Obviously that didn't work........................ :ugh: :ugh:

I hope this sends a message out to the persons organizing the events that they need to be on their toes and follow all the guidlines and laws. I think this was one CD release party that could have got a little out of control, and I am glad to see it was put to an end before anyone was injured, or died from an overdose.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I think it's irresponsible for them to think that nobody there is going to be using illegal drugs. They obviously know it's there, and short of hriing a couple medics and security guards, don't do much else to stop it. They need to self regulate--much like 4 wheelers do--to make sure that the people who attend those events understand that drugs and things of that sort aren't acceptable.

On a sad note, I fear my investment into glowsticks.com just went down the shitter. :D



Registered User
Agreed that they protest too much that "no drugs", "peacable", "everything legal" for it to be believable.

As sad as it is, music, youth and drugs/underage drinking go together too often. Put is in a venue not designed for crowds or concerts and it seems even harder to keep it all seperate.

It will be interesting to see what happens down the road.


Arrogant Bastard
Salt Lake City
Personally, I think that the big deal here is that thye had people with GUNS DRAWN show up and tell people to leave.

How hard would it have been for someone in 'authority' to stop the music, get on the mic, and say 'this party is over, please leave'...

But they send in 80 people in Camo with GUNS?

I think that the ACLU needs to hand Utah County law enforcement it's <Explicative Deleted> on a platter...

:mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:


Let's Roll For Justice
Soldiers came out of the bushes and rushed down to the party. Carrying M-16s, Ak-47s, nightsticks, and tazers. They proceeded to attack random people and push their might around on people who had done nothing wrong.
Who's soldiers drew AK-47's on them?? Is the national gaurd working with Al-Quida?? :rofl:

footin fool

Registered User
They where there knowing that there was drugs and under age drinking. I have also heard reports of weapons. I dont know if the weapons reports are true. If you are there and know what is going on you are part of the problem. It is and has been common knowledge that raves are for drugs. That how it was when I was in high school and still is. When I went to those kinds of things I always knew I could go down just for being there. If you dont wont the trouble dont go. If there where weapons there and drugs what where the cops supposed to do. It was illeagel activity. Buck up and take the heat for being there.


Sandy, Ut
TigerStripe40 said:
...How hard would it have been for someone in 'authority' to stop the music, get on the mic, and say 'this party is over, please leave'...

But they send in 80 people in Camo with GUNS?

Would you want to be the "authority" to walk in there unarmed to turn off their music... AFTER having CONFIRMED reports of weapons on some of these subjects. They removed many illegal weapons (including a couple handguns) from partyers. On top of that, a drugged up kid is a cops worst nightmare... why should they go in under-prepared for something that may happen. If a cop would have been shot while trying to piecefully disarm these clowns... would you say the same thing...

TigerStripe40 said:
...I think that the ACLU needs to hand Utah County law enforcement it's <Explicative Deleted> on a platter...

:mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:

Thats exactly what we need to do, become more litigous because a bunch of druggies trusted their freinds to get the legal permits (which he DID NOT). They acted well within the law, the video shows nothing more than a few disorderly partyers that refused to leave, they were dealt with. Not all of them are bad kids, but enough of them had drugs and weapons to make just cause for the SWAT...

These are the EXACT same people that said they had "rented" Little Moab and that wheelers had to go home... BS, we should SUE them for lying to us about their renting of Little Moab (SITLA property)... Right James... sue, sue, sue...

PS, the ACLU sucks, right below SUWA... sue sue sue... :rofl: :rolleyes:


Arrogant Bastard
Salt Lake City
cruiseroutfit said:
Would you want to be the "authority" to walk in there unarmed to turn off their music... AFTER having CONFIRMED reports of weapons on some of these subjects. They removed many illegal weapons (including a couple handguns) from partyers. On top of that, a drugged up kid is a cops worst nightmare... why should they go in under-prepared for something that may happen. If a cop would have been shot while trying to piecefully disarm these clowns... would you say the same thing...

Thats exactly what we need to do, become more litigous because a bunch of druggies trusted their freinds to get the legal permits (which he DID NOT). They acted well within the law, the video shows nothing more than a few disorderly partyers that refused to leave, they were dealt with. Not all of them are bad kids, but enough of them had drugs and weapons to make just cause for the SWAT...

These are the EXACT same people that said they had "rented" Little Moab and that wheelers had to go home... BS, we should SUE them for lying to us about their renting of Little Moab (SITLA property)... Right James... sue, sue, sue...

PS, the ACLU sucks, right below SUWA... sue sue sue... :rofl: :rolleyes:

So you send in 80 peole in camo and semi automatic weapons because someone didn't get the right permit?
They applied for permits.
Who's the idiot who didn't issue the right permit?

The partiers that refused to leave were drugged up and were going to stay the night in a tent, instead thjey were forced to leave (and subsequently got DUIs) or were arrested.

What would have happened if the swat team never showed up?


The best solution was to have fined the party organizer for not having the right permit.

Not send in people with guns...
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Sandy, Ut
TigerStripe40 said:
So you send in 80 peole in camo and semi automatic weapons because someone didn't get the right permit?

No, you send them in because undercover officers ON THE GROUND purchased drugs and possibly saw weapons (DID I MENTION THEY RECOVERED GUNS!!!).

PS, semi-auto... do they carry anything that isn't??? Why should they, at least one of the guns they recovered was semi-auto... Those two guns (the ones pictured on the news the other day) could have killed ~15 police officers on a single load... :eek:

TigerStripe40 said:
They applied for permits.
Who's the idiot who didn't issue the right permit?

They applied and received a UC Health Permit, but they did NOT apply nor receive a Utah County Commision permit which IS required, thus they were illegal. And their last raves have been even MORE illegal as they hosted it on PUBLIC property (this rave alos happened on some public property FYI).

TigerStripe40 said:
What would have happened if the swat team never showed up?


Your right, the kids would have continued to trash the land (as in recent raves), they would have continued to use ILLEGAL drugs, and they would have continued to think they were above the law. When UNDERAGE kids are witnessed doing drugs and being in danger (Ut Co has had numerous reports of sexual attacks at similar raves)... they have NO OTHER choice but to stop the party. They gave it a chance, they waited til they broke the law, and they reacted... I can gaurantee you MADD is happy... they also took a few drunk drivers off the road.

TigerStripe40 said:
The best solution was to have fined the party organizer for not having the right permit.

Not send in people with guns...

That would be the hippy approach that would have let kids do drugs, listen to crappy music and drive home intoxicated on the roads I am forced to share with them... I think not... :rolleyes:


Sandy, Ut
TigerStripe40 said:
So you send in 80 peole in camo and semi automatic weapons because someone didn't get the right permit?...

PS, what is wrong with CAMO... do you want them to wear hunter orange? I keep hearing these "oppressed" ravers talking about the military like CAMO that they were wearing, treating them like terrorists.

You hippies hate wasting tax payer money, so why should they sport several different colors... the camo works great :rofl:

They broke the law... some got what they had coming... The ones that left peacefully had NO problems, the ones that tried to be tough, were treated tough. I have read reports from those that were there, they are all so full of propoganda and lies...

Some reported mace and teargas, others admit none was used... they said a girl was raped by an officer, they said they were hit in the heads by the buts of guns... BS. That one video was edited to shoe EXACTLY what they wanted it to show, nothing with a hint of something. But remember, the helicopter circling overhead had a camera rolling the ENTIRE time...

Sue, sue, sue... that will fix America James... :rofl:

You wonder why your tires got knifed, probably a cop you pissed off :rofl:


Sandy, Ut
5DollerShake said:
lmfao Who's soldiers drew AK-47's on them?? Is the national gaurd working with Al-Quida?? :rofl:

Yeah, there not making stuff up... :rofl:

Here are some other quotes I found funny:

This was not a legal attack, it was a blatant violation on our rights as American citizens. And the swat, police, politicians who authorized this, and the national guard knew this. That is why they were removing potential evidence.

Pretty sure the authorities in Utah County were just out for some good old "Hippy Beating" :rofl: (sarcasm intended ;))

...as National Guardsmen in full camoflauge, helmets, boots, gas masks, and armed with assault rifles and dogs swarmed into the crowd.

So the Army was there too? With their pets?

...next thing you know they are throwing tear gas at people, setting dogs on people, arresting kids

Its not always as it seems... ;)