Utah Rave Update


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
Newsflash!! Swat tactics are not just for late night, large youthful groups listening to music without a permit.

From work I overlook Pioneer Park where the legit anti-Bush protesters, with a permit, were earlier this week. Just in front of my window is where 8-10 SLC police parked their cars while they put on their helmets, night sticks, bags full of zip tie hand cuffs, they even had "semi auto" weapons on their sides. Once they were prepared they lined up the cars and headed into the park.

There is no discrimination against these party goers, this is a common tactic that all large groups of people who have the potential to overwhelm a few police officers. Doesn't surprise me at all. This is what the public pays for to ensure that the public can be safe. Seemed to work well, no one was shot, no bones broke, and bruises are common and are probably more likely caused from the wild dancing that could be seen from the overhead video. If you are worried about a bump or a bruise that would have happened from being held to the ground a wild rave dance is probably the wrong place for you any ways.

I also liked the comment about how the video showed the vicious rifles they were using. The only ones you can see are defiantly there, but also tucked in tightly to the officer, pointed down. I don't know how a rifle could be any less pointed or controlled that what was displayed.

I am sure the ravers were surprised, embarrassed, maybe even bruised. But that is a far cry from the fascism that they are crying about. Want fascism try to hold a rave in China or a list of other countries.



That, my friends, is a glow stick she is holding.


The beginnings of a raver child. :eek:


Damn hippy ravers....look at them! -_-


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Badger said:
i don't believe my statement or wording was implying that drugs are cool .i was just saying ravers are not hippies simple as that.

like I said before....

here, SAT format for you if that helps;

Hippies:60's as rave-dorks:00's

does that make sense? it's really not that far of a stretch.



Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
goddamnit brett. get your hippie ass out of here if you're not going to make sense!


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Brett said:
Quiet down hippy 2

no brett. no.

isn't there some dj irene cd coming out that you should be waiting in line for? bubba jr gotcha on house arrest?


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Brett said:
I think that it was you that actually saw DJ Irene too :p

she just happened to be at the same party as me....i didn't do it on purpose. just like you didnt mean to be from hippy lineage--it just happened.


By Cabela's
Happy Valley Leo tuning in...(I was born in August 'n' everything)....

I only wish I could have been one of the camo wearing SWAT members ;)


Well-Known Member

It was Slayer. I love south park.

I think it was all planned darn secret societies lol.

No but I did have a friend that was arrested for being "intoxicated" when he has been clean & sober for over three and a half years know.

And the party goers are pretty ignorant I don't think I have ever been to a concert where I did not see or smell drugs they know there where drugs their.

And as for hippies they aren't to blame cuz I consider myself a hippie & I have been clean& sober for two years & two months and have seen three Grateful Dead shows (know just called the dead), allman bros, and bruce hornsby. And on my way next week to see the crowes and tom petty in denver I love music and so do alot of people not everyone their was on drugs but alot prob where.

drugs don't choose people
people choose drugs
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