Utah Rave Update


TigerStripe40 said:
...They applied for permits.
Who's the idiot who didn't issue the right permit?...
"Do you have a permit for that?"
"We wanted to have a permit."

and btw

Main Entry: hip·pie
Variant(s): or hip·py /'hi-pE/
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural hippies
Etymology: hip + -ie
: a usually young person who rejects the mores of established society (as by dressing unconventionally or favoring communal living) and advocates a nonviolent ethic; broadly : a long-haired unconventionally dressed young person
- hip·pie·dom /-pE-d&m/ noun
- hip·pie·ness or hip·pi·ness /-pE-n&s/ noun


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Cody said:
she just happened to be at the same party as me....i didn't do it on purpose. just like you didnt mean to be from hippy lineage--it just happened.



Never enough time
Utah County
Ok I will finally admit it. I was there.... None of that BS on Utrave.org happened. It went really smooth execpt for those 2 on the video. Yes i was wearing camo, but so what. If you also look on the video noone ran into the location. Actually we walked. You can see the swat-member walk onto the stage and tell the guy to shut it down. Then again telling him he was going to throw his ass in jail if he didnt.

If someone needs more info, I might give a little more in a pm or maybe a call. Take it easy, and I am recommending to my sheriff that he buys one of those drills on south park. That would rule. :D


Well-Known Member
phillippi said:
Ok I will finally admit it. I was there.... None of that BS on Utrave.org happened. It went really smooth execpt for those 2 on the video. Yes i was wearing camo, but so what. If you also look on the video noone ran into the location. Actually we walked. You can see the swat-member walk onto the stage and tell the guy to shut it down. Then again telling him he was going to throw his ass in jail if he didnt.

If someone needs more info, I might give a little more in a pm or maybe a call. Take it easy, and I am recommending to my sheriff that he buys one of those drills on south park. That would rule. :D
You did a kick ass job on that event. I believe there's waaay too many of these happening around here. Anyone that believes that raves are save for their kids are probably the same ones that don't believe there are strip clubs in Utah. I used to work at Paintball Planet several years ago. The owners rented out the place to a group that setup up a rave. Only security they had was at the door taking in $12-$15 a person :eek: . I could not believe how many teenieboppers paided that. Anyone that has been to PP knows the maze area, found lots of funny ballons there the next day. -_-


formerly "rckcrlr"
phillippi said:
Ok I will finally admit it. I was there.... None of that BS on Utrave.org happened. It went really smooth execpt for those 2 on the video. Yes i was wearing camo, but so what. If you also look on the video noone ran into the location. Actually we walked. You can see the swat-member walk onto the stage and tell the guy to shut it down. Then again telling him he was going to throw his ass in jail if he didnt.

If someone needs more info, I might give a little more in a pm or maybe a call. Take it easy, and I am recommending to my sheriff that he buys one of those drills on south park. That would rule. :D

I want to THANK YOU for a job well done!!!!


formerly "rckcrlr"
JeepinJoe said:
found lots of funny ballons there the next day. -_-

Thats nice, kids with ballons, thats a happy thing. :rolleyes:
(I hope you can hear the sarcasm dripping from that)

Yep, and the scale in your kids bed room is so he can sure he always has the right amount of postage on his mail. :rolleyes:

Oh, and don't worry, those are grape STEMS.

No drugs anywhere. :ugh:

:rolleyes: ;)


Well-Known Member
rckcrlr said:
Thats nice, kids with ballons, thats a happy thing. :rolleyes:
(I hope you can hear the sarcasm dripping from that)

Yep, and the scale in your kids bed room is so he can sure he always has the right amount of postage on his mail. :rolleyes:

Oh, and don't worry, those are grape STEMS.

No drugs anywhere. :ugh:

:rolleyes: ;)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :eek: heard the sarcasm that time :eek:


Who Dat? Who Der?
Hyrum UT
rckcrlr said:
Just FYI last I knew all of Ut. County only had 3 dogs between all the agencies and all 3 are drug dogs, not attach dogs. Maybe one of the Happy valley LEO's will chime in....But I doubt it. I would not bother if I was them.

Not to pick at yah, but all dogs are trained as patrol/(insert specialty here). There also trained to attack, prtoect and seek on command. Its really amazing but all 8 dogs we have assigned to our unit and the rest of the country only have about 9 breeders they buy from and there all trained in one of 3 locations accross the US.

Congratulations Kurt, you made my sig block:

"Drugs kill millions... shackle reversals just piss off web-wheelers..."


Never enough time
Utah County
Originally Posted by rckcrlr
Just FYI last I knew all of Ut. County only had 3 dogs between all the agencies and all 3 are drug dogs, not attach dogs. Maybe one of the Happy valley LEO's will chime in....But I doubt it. I would not bother if I was them.

Actually we have 9 k-9s for the county and about 7 or 8 in the other cities in Utah County.


R/C addict
Sandy, UT
phillippi said:
Ok I will finally admit it. I was there.... None of that BS on Utrave.org happened. It went really smooth execpt for those 2 on the video. Yes i was wearing camo, but so what. If you also look on the video noone ran into the location. Actually we walked. You can see the swat-member walk onto the stage and tell the guy to shut it down. Then again telling him he was going to throw his ass in jail if he didnt.

If someone needs more info, I might give a little more in a pm or maybe a call. Take it easy, and I am recommending to my sheriff that he buys one of those drills on south park. That would rule. :D
Damn nice work, and keep with the camo for sure.


Limited Supply Of Sanity
Not all ravers are hippies. After attending 35 raves, possibly more, mostly in Colorado, I know for a fact that there is a diverse crowd at every party. Some of the best memories and experiences that I have had so far have been at parties. Where else can you stay up all night and morning, with hundreds to thousands of people, kick ass DJ’s from all over the world, see people with all different kinds of “real” dance styles? Maybe at an after hours club which mostly contain of gay clubs or house parties in which the DJ cant even match his beats, and the house is not big enough to fit 100 people in it.
Out of all the parties that I have been to, never once has the party been broken up by the SWAT. I mean really. I think that maybe I have been to 5 or 6 raves where the police have broken up the rave due to over pushing the capacity of a particular venue. Apparently Utah does not know how to through a rave.

On the whole drugs thing? Come on, anyone who knows about raves knows that there will ALWAYS be drugs at the party. I don’t see how different it is compared to a concert or sports event where there are drugs all around you. The difference that I see in a rave in regards to drugs is that fact that a rave is popular for it’s dominate drug of Ecstasy. If you are at a certain event, and you have done hard drugs or still do it is always easy to point out who is messed up on something. If you have never consumed a hard drug
(Note: weed is not a hard drug), then you would mildly if not at all notice if the person next to you is drunk or drugged up at a concert, party, or event or anywhere for that matter.
When there are a large number of people in one area there will always be the idiots who bring the weapons, the anger, or the stupidity. This does not just apply to raves. I have been at Talladega Super Speedway in Alabama with a huge tailgating party and a bunch of rednecks with their guns, drugs and bad tempers. Give anyone the right amount of drugs or alcohol and see what happens.

Ah, of course the weapon issue. Again, I would like to know if every entertainment event, night club, or pretty much everywhere you go, is completely weapon free. I doubt anywhere is like that. Then again narrow-mindedness runs in most parts of Utah.

I still love all genres of techno. I don’t go to raves anymore, and I have not for about 2 years now. But, I still will forever love the dancing, the people, and the music. That is why people go to see their favorite musician play at a concert, or go to a game and watch your favorite player live and get a rush of excitement. Well I enjoy the beats, the diversity and of course the party. :D :D

Bone Down

Well-Known Member
Latest update.

I thought I read, or heard and interview, that they had many of the party goer's planning on staying over night in tents, would that not put them over the 12 hours???..

Article Last Updated: 9/09/2005 03:03 AM
Rave party promoter seeks restraining order against sheriff
By Michael N. Westley
The Salt Lake Tribune

Salt Lake Tribune
A temporary restraining order was sought in federal court on Wednesday against the Utah County Sheriff's Office by the promoters of a rave that was busted in Spanish Fork Canyon on Aug. 20.
The request follows a civil suit that was filed Sept. 2 seeking judicial review of the county's mass gathering ordinance and injunctive relief against the sheriff from using his discretion when enforcing the ordinance, which promoters say is vague. The temporary order seeks the same injunctive relief against the sheriff until the suit can be heard in court.
The promoters claim the sheriff inappropriately enforced the ordinance and prematurely killed the DJ-driven dance party held on the Childs family ranch in Diamond Fork.
Sheriff James Tracy said he acted within the law when he stormed the party with more than 90 officers armed with automatic weapons, riot gear, accompanied by dogs and a helicopter. He said the party was not properly permitted. But promoters say they did not need the permit in question because they did not intend their event to exceed the 12-hour time limit - a marker that requires promoters to file a safety plan and acquire approval from the county commission.
The promotor's attorney, Brian Barnard, said the sheriff built probable cause to shut the party down on his prediction of how long the party would last. The restraining order filed Wednesday requests injunctive relief from the court against Tracy.
"Plaintiffs fear that unless this court issues an immediate order, [the sheriff] will again stop concerts/events based upon the [sheriff's] predication that an event may last more than twelve hours," reads the order.
Such actions, Barnard said, equate unreasonable seizure, restriction of free expression and a denial of due process in violation of the 1st, 4th, 5th and 14th Amendments to the United States Constitution.
A hearing is scheduled before Judge Dale Kimball on Sept. 16 at 2:30 p.m..

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
so if they file a restraining order against sheriff, does this mean they can hold there party and not get in trouble?????????????

what a load of crap. they were doing it wrong and got in trouble.

Bone Down

Well-Known Member
James K said:
so if they file a restraining order against sheriff, does this mean they can hold there party and not get in trouble?????????????

what a load of crap. they were doing it wrong and got in trouble.

Or does this mean he can not come close enough to slap the cuffs on him??
Totally dumb.