Weird/Creepy things you've found on the trail


Long Jeep Fan
Holladay, Utah
This doesn't qualify as weird and creepy but we were out wheeling and camping next to the Air Force bombing range when the F16 pilots did something cool. We were sitting near the fence watching the different groups of F16 do their practice bombing and strafing runs when one group came into view and then disappeared. We were sitting there wondering where they went when all of the sudden they buzzed us just above ground level. Each jet came from a different direction and crossed over our heads almost at the same time. Weird thing was we didn't hear them coming at all. After buzzing us they went back to doing what every other group did. We didn't realize how close they watched us until one time at the same spot one of the small kids in the group was playing in the rocks and got bit by a scorpion. His mom was a nurse and loaded him onto their motorcycle and took him back to camp. A little while later the security guys showed up, told us they "saw" what happened and wanted to know if we needed help. We have even had the security guys show up at our camp and we asked them how they knew we were there and they just pointed up in the sky.


Long Jeep Fan
Holladay, Utah
One time we were out wheeling on the Stansbury range when we stopped at the end of the road in North Willow Canyon. It was late in the fall and we hadn't seen any vehicles on the trails. Just after we stopped to look around a guy came walking down the trail from the primitive area and he looked way out of place. Since we hadn't seen any other vehicles we asked him if he needed any help he said no and just kept on walking. Weird thing was he was dressed in a very nice formal suit and had dress shoes on, no backpack or any water with him. No idea what he was doing out there dressed like that.


Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut
A long time ago, at least 20 years ago, me and a buddy pulled off the road near Goblin Valley to get a few hours sleep. Got off the road just a little bit and there was a bunch of hippies camped there, all obviously stoned out of their minds. We left. But came back about a year later and camped there - those hippies had made all kinds of shapes like you describe all over the place. Funny part though, is only a few years ago we camped there and there were a bunch of new hippie symbols. Seems like they have been using that same camp at least as long as we have, which is a pretty long time.
If you hadnt said Goblin Valley I would have guessed where the Burning Man happens every year.


I was out at Knolls riding ATV's around, when we parked at the top of the ridge overlooking the view. Nice and peacefull , no wind just enjoying the quietness. Then out of nowhere 2 jets came blasting by. Both parrallel to the mountain range and on each side . Almost the loudest thing I ever herd (beside's top fueler's). They followed the range north very low then kicking up a bit of dust as they shot straight up into the sky and out of vision. We could here em' playing around over in the Bombing range but couldnt see em.

Looking into the bombing range with binnoculars . I could see some very big dunes out there. Sooooo jealous .

capt scotty

Active Member
Riverton, Utah
My story comes from the west desert also. Seems to be a pattern in this thread. While exploring and rabbit hunting my brother and I came across a shirt covered in dried blood with a large hole through it. Near by was a spent shotgun shell and two unfired rounds. There was a dried plastic type material stuck to the shirt as well. We laid the shirt out and folded the front over to find the hole through the back lined up with the front if it were buttoned. The shirt had Small scattered holes surrounded the large center hole. All surrounded with a grey ring. We soon figured this was not good. We went to the Tooele County Sheriff's Office (before cell phones) the deputy followed us back to the area. He played with the shirt a little, picking at the plastic substance smelling etc. this was also before CSI shows. HIs assessment was a deer hunter must have wrapped the deer liver in the shirt.Then he got on the radio and confirmed we were actually in a different county. After calling them they confirmed a recent rabbit hunter that clubbed a wounded rabbit with the butt of his shotgun and had indeed blown a hole through himself. His brother then crashed his truck on the way to get help and nearly died. When we found out what had happened we all got a little queezy realizing this nasty substance on the shirt was this poor Souls insides.
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I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
That reminds me of something else that happened in the same area. We were coyote hunting kind of along the reef north of the road there. So, coyote hunting, we'd drive a couple miles, stop, get out go try and call a coyote, come back to the truck, repeat. Well, somebody on foot was bird dogging us. We'd see his boot tracks in the road on top of my tire tracks every time we got back to the truck after making a stand. He must have been in some kind of amazing shape to keep up with us like that. Finally decided it must be some enviro-loon spying on us or something, so I intentionally ran over a misplaced carsonite WSA marker just to make him cry.

What year was this. It could have been Jason Pogue who was the hermit living at the Woodside gas station and causing all kinds of havoc in mainly the norhtern part of the San Rafael Swell for a number of years. This is a short account of his capture. He had stolen a motorcycle and 4 wheeler, so it would not be out of the question that he could have made his way that far south from Woodside.


Sandy, Ut
What year was this. It could have been Jason Pogue who was the hermit living at the Woodside gas station and causing all kinds of havoc in mainly the norhtern part of the San Rafael Swell for a number of years. This is a short account of his capture. He had stolen a motorcycle and 4 wheeler, so it would not be out of the question that he could have made his way that far south from Woodside.

Didn't he have a round two as well? Got out on the Chimney Rock issues, stole a UTV, drove it into the Swell and torched it... did they capture him again after that?


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Didn't he have a round two as well? Got out on the Chimney Rock issues, stole a UTV, drove it into the Swell and torched it... did they capture him again after that?

Served 2 years and got out without parole. The no parole was a of my riding friends is in charge AP&P in this area. He immediately went back to his old ways and stole a UTV & sheep camp from Sanpete country. It was reported by several people that he was seen towing out down Huntington Canyon and Miller Creek. They found the camp in the Mounds area SE of Wellington and he was found a few days later along the Price River between Wellington & Woodside.

He should be gone folonger this time.


Finding Utah
Supporting Member
Many years ago a friend and I decided to go out and explore the area between the sand dunes and topaz mtn. We drove into the Desert Mountain range out there that is like a circle of mountains you are in the middle of. We had our wives and kids and were playing on some of the rocks as you come into the mountains from the main road, my wife was videoing my friend and I was spotting him up this ledge and all of a sudden it got Extremely loud, and there was an Apache Helicopter about 30' above our heads watching us.. you could see the turret gun moving back and forth, It was crazy, because we didn't hear him at all until he was right there. I got a little nervous and told my wife to stop videoing him and he sat there for a couple minuets and then took off. We kept on seeing him in the distance popping up from behind little hills and always facing us. I'm guessing he was using us as a target, and I was a little freaked out about it. He stayed there for about a half hour and then took off, it was pretty crazy.. Somewhere I still have the video tape, but im sure I don't have anything to play it on. Sense then I have spent a ton of time out in that area and never have had anything like that happen again. It was totally crazy how quiet that thing was just hovering there.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
What year was this. It could have been Jason Pogue who was the hermit living at the Woodside gas station and causing all kinds of havoc in mainly the norhtern part of the San Rafael Swell for a number of years. This is a short account of his capture. He had stolen a motorcycle and 4 wheeler, so it would not be out of the question that he could have made his way that far south from Woodside.

I can't say exactly, but would have been in the range of '99 to '02 or so. So I'm guessing it wasn't him. I'm thinking it might have been him that gave Dennis Udink some trouble one day out there though. I'll have to see if I can find his report and link back to it.



Resident Thread Killer
Looking into the bombing range with binnoculars . I could see some very big dunes out there. Sooooo jealous .

I've ridden those dunes....awesome. Before the fences were up, we would make our way out there and ride the
dunes until they made it obvious they knew we were there. Then, we would just make our way back out...


too poor to wheel... :(
Layton, Utah
a friend and I were out in the west desert back in the early 80's just taking pictures of things for our school photo project when all of a sudden two planes came flying overhead very low and slow... My friend kinda got a picture of one before it disappeared... we never could figure out what it was until a few years later when the air force unveiled the stealth fighter!


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
I can't say exactly, but would have been in the range of '99 to '02 or so. So I'm guessing it wasn't him. I'm thinking it might have been him that gave Dennis Udink some trouble one day out there though. I'll have to see if I can find his report and link back to it.

Yes.....Dennis did have an interesting run in with Pogue out there that resulted in some slashed tires on his truck.


Long Jeep Fan
Holladay, Utah
One time we took the jeep up to a lake in the Uintas and were fishing off the dam when several big vans pulled up and a group of about 20 women and one guy came across the dam and checked out the campground on the other side. The guy was dressed like Brigham Young and looked like him too (beard and all). The women were all in long dresses that were out of the 1880's. Guess they were looking for some place to have a retreat. The guy talked to us and was very pleasant but I wondered if I was caught in a time warp.