What did you work on Today; Home Edition

I did something very similar for mine, but at our irrigation pump. I don’t have a BFP. I don’t usually blow out lines.. but now I can when I want to. I think I have twice in my life.
At my old house the system had drains so I just opened the valves and let them drain. That worked just fine for 15 years. I built this new system and left out drains so I will be blowing it out every year.
None of my systems have had drains(that I have known about) and I have never blown them out..in fact I wouldn't even know how to without something like you have

I usually just shut off the water to them and open the valves in mid October and call it good. Knock in wood I haven't ever had an issue. The last 16 years at one rental, 7 years at my current house and 2 years at another rental...which I can't even find the sprinkler water turn off after turning them on the first spring I owned it...so last year and this year the water hasn't been shut off prior to the BFP.
As of about 11 PM last night my sprinkler system is all buttoned up for the winter but my neighbor sent me this sweet drone shot of my trenches from before I filled them in. It looks kinda cool.
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Also I rednecked the hell out of a blowout solution because I didn’t like using the one that involved the backflow preventer. It looks dumb but my fire sprinkler buddy said that’s how he would’ve done it and that’s a big compliment.
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Looks good enough to this fire sprinkler/backflow guy 😉
None of my systems have had drains(that I have known about) and I have never blown them out..in fact I wouldn't even know how to without something like you have

I usually just shut off the water to them and open the valves in mid October and call it good. Knock in wood I haven't ever had an issue. The last 16 years at one rental, 7 years at my current house and 2 years at another rental...which I can't even find the sprinkler water turn off after turning them on the first spring I owned it...so last year and this year the water hasn't been shut off prior to the BFP.
Within a few days of buying our last house in Jan ‘07 the backflow preventer froze and broke. A river was running into the neighbor’s yard under the snow. The previous owner didn’t turn off the water. Luckily we were there, cleaning and painting or we wouldn’t have known. My dad was super excited to say “welcome to home ownership” 🤣
A single lady neighbor down the way has frozen 2 in 3 years. I went over a week ago and pulled the backflow thing for her because I knew she wasn't going to remember or just wouldn't have known how or what to do.
I do pull the BFp from my first rental because it is above ground. The 2nd rental, it is set in a sprinkler box below ground. Knock on wood it survives this year. My hous e doesn't have one , but I did add a new shutoff with a drain valve that is inside the house ...so I plan on opening that up soon.
I guess it's one of the advantages of secondary water and living on a hill. :D City shuts off water in October, gravity drains most the lines, and I built the system using Poly pipe instead of PVC so it won't freeze and break anyway.
For years I have wanted something to cover the octagon shaped window in our half bath. It’s sorta awkward to make eye contact with people walking on the sidewalk while I pee.
The winter is especially bad when it’s dark early and the bright lights in the bathroom really draw attention.
I couldn’t figure out the right solution. Blinds are a no-go, shutters were hundreds of dollars, and I didn’t really want a square curtain over an octagon window. Also, curtains in a bathroom won’t fly in home decoration magazines, and I’m very conscious about being properly decorated.
I found some window film on Amazon that gives a crystal look. For $9, why the heck not.
Turned out better than I thought, so I did the windows at our front door also to help tie it together.

For years I have wanted something to cover the octagon shaped window in our half bath. It’s sorta awkward to make eye contact with people walking on the sidewalk while I pee.
The winter is especially bad when it’s dark early and the bright lights in the bathroom really draw attention.
I couldn’t figure out the right solution. Blinds are a no-go, shutters were hundreds of dollars, and I didn’t really want a square curtain over an octagon window. Also, curtains in a bathroom won’t fly in home decoration magazines, and I’m very conscious about being properly decorated.
I found some window film on Amazon that gives a crystal look. For $9, why the heck not.
Turned out better than I thought, so I did the windows at our front door also to help tie it together.
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We did that to our front door side-lite about 14 years ago and it’s still holding up great.
Spent a bit of today moving some plumbing around, and adding a hot/cold bib in the garage.

I did them this way in anticipation of finishing the basement, and re-piping a good portion of the home. This gives me a good location to continue to add as needed.

We’ve got pretty bad pipe hammer, so I added an air tube to help combat that. Seems to be working so far. The idea there is that the air can absorb some of the pressure when the valves are shut too fast.


Here are my hot/cold out in the garage.


I removed the water softener. I turned it off a year ago so I could fill the hot tub, and never turned it back on. My wife didn’t notice, and I haven’t had to carry salt for a year. If anyone wants it, it’s free.

Pickup is on days my wife works.

I’m planning on adding water in my attached garage too. I’m not sure why but I just want it!