Well of course I'm not picturing a U-turn at freeway speeds...
I've had a nearly identical situation happen 2-3 years ago while headed south on 215 in the big blue 4runner. In this case, a passed out pregnant lady. By the time her car reached my lane she was doin maybe 20-30mph headed right into the median. I locked up the 37's so hard that the front driver leaf spring snapped(after inspection there was an old existing crack, but the hard braking was the last straw)
I guess what i'm saying is this.. You explained that her nav system told her to make a U, but not exactly how the accident itself all went down.
My Raingler divider should be here any day
I hope it never has to be utilized in a collision.. BUt will have peace of mind that my dog, or other cargo doesn't end up jemmed inbetween the dash and windshield... If not flying through the windshield killing my wife or myself in the process..