Very mild flavor, vanilla, oak, damn there are some flavors I can’t identify.. finish is very mild burn in the back of my throat, long vanilla flavor and then black cherry? I would rank this one pretty high, but not overly complex. The flavors seem to mix with each other instead of hitting each flavor over time. I can see why it is popular. I would also say that if you are starting out on whiskey or burbon this would be one that would make the transition easy. As with all my tastings I drink it neat.
So my wife and I just did a blind back to back blind tasting of Blantons vs Buffalo trace, I let both samples breath for 10 minutes and the took multiple taste tests, and… we both thought Buffalo trace had better flavors, was smoother and less burn.. I even exclaimed that I knew what one was Blantons. I was wrong. So for now I will pass on Blantons in favor of Buffalo Trace. We will be doing a blind test between Blantons/Buffalo trace and Eagle rare , but for today we are feeling a bit warm and relaxed and have prob had enough as it’s only 2:30