Who Likes Titanium?

Basically, I was skiing up at Nordic Valley on Feb. 15th in really slushy conditions. avoided making a turn into some skied out chunky stuff which led to a gain in speed, went to make my next turn, caught an edge, tumbled and when I looked down my right foot was no longer pointing the right direction!
Twelve fractures in all. Basically exploded my lower tibia right above my ankle joint. And what you see above is the fix!

Man thats horrible. I'm sorry to hear about it and hope you're able to heal quickly and completely. Good luck Stephen!
Wanted to give everyone an update, its been a roller coaster ride for the past month or so.

On March 10th I started to have serious pains on my right side, to the point that I could barely breath. When I got to the ER at University Hospital they ended up doing a CT scan and found that I had pulmonary embolisms in both lungs. Basically, blood clots broke free from the surgical area of my leg and made their way to my lungs. The one in the right lung actually caused an infarction of the lung (equivalent to a heart attack but in the lung), which is where the pain was coming from. Whenever you're in the hospital they ask you to rank your pain on a 1-10 scale. This was a 10 for about an hour. Excruciating.

I left the ER with a prescription for blood thinners and 650mg Tylenol and to rest. For a couple weeks things were going OK, but on March 22nd-24th I started to have a really painful cough and trouble breathing. On the 24th I coughed up a bunch of blood; so back to the ER I went and this time I was admitted to the hospital. I spent 12 days in Acute Internal Care being treated for pleura effusion, which is fluid build up around the lung. This was caused by the dead part of my right lung irritating the pleura that surrounds the lung. I ended up having two chest tubes put in to drain the fluid off my right lung. They drained over four LITERS of fluid! I don't recommend that for anyone. My care was excellent, but between my inability to walk due to the broken leg, and then having a tube stuck out of my side; I was basically bedridden the entire time I was there. Miserable. In addition to the fluid, the first few days I was there I also had an infection, possibly pneumonia, so I was dealing with fevers over 103!

Once the fevers broke and the first tube was put in on March 27th, it was a steady climb to recovery. I was discharged yesterday at noon, and aside from feeling pretty weak and quick to run out of breath, I'm doing alright. Monday I go to see my orthopedic surgeon about my leg, so hopefully that will be a positive prognosis as well. I'm very much looking forward to putting this chapter of my life behind me!
Good hell dude, I'm glad you're alive.
So am I! There were some pretty dark moments there. Definitely gives you a new appreciation of life!

Holy hell, Stephen.... you need anything?
Once I can drive and get out again, I'll need to make one of the RME trips! Can't wait for that day.
Seriously, though, my family and close friends have been amazing. My pulmonary doctor commented at my discharge that she was impressed by the fact that I had visitors there all the time and how important that is to recovery. Now I just need to get back into a routine and start building stamina back up.
Holy hell buddy! That’s rough business. All 3 of those issues are bad enough by themselves, but all at the same time is torture! The road to recovery will be a long one I’m sure, but anything is better than laying in a hospital bed.
Next update, I had my first physical therapy appointment last Friday and they have cleared me to start putting 50% weight on my leg; so that's good. They also want me to start "walking' using my crutches instead of my knee scooter so a) I get used to the motion again, and b) to start putting weight on the leg and working the joint. Additionally, I have a bunch of exercises I need to do daily which are kinda a pain and a bit painful. All in the name of recovery, I suppose.

My surgeon cleared me to swim, so I'm hoping that at my next PT appointment I can get some direction for that. I feel like water therapy could be helpful. Also, I just really enjoy swimming so it'll be nice to get back to doing a physical activity I enjoy!