Who Likes Titanium?

A few weeks ago a buddy of mine made me a sweet cane:




Solid aluminum with a wooden shifter knob out of a Saab 900 Turbo that I'd snagged at the junkyard years ago for some reason (I guess it was for this!). Thing weighs about four pounds!

I've been using it for the past two weeks, but yesterday my PT told me to stop using it for anything but longer walks. So I'm walking unassisted now! Still pretty hobbily and slow, but that will change with time and therapy!
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I suppose this is the last update on this subject. I had my final surgeons appointment this past Monday and she said that my leg is 100% healed at this point.

I've been walking just fine since July-ish, still can't really run; more of a quick hobble. But I'm getting there. I've taken two relatively decent road trips in the past few months, one to Missoula and another to Laguna Seca, along with a couple decent backcountry trips and have had not issues with fatigue in my leg. So that's great!

My lung is still getting better. At work when I have to walk from the floor to the concourse level I'm still a bit out of breath; but since its basketball season I guess I'll be getting a lot more exercise doing that!

On a whole, 2019 has been a pendulum of a year! Started out pretty horribly, but as the year has progressed things have gotten better and better and I'm closing it out on a high by getting married on New Years Eve!

RME has been in my life for 16 freaking years, I've made a lot of friends through this place. Being able to share this pretty traumatic experience and all the kind words from everyone (even Cody, that bastard) really did lift my spirits. So thanks everyone! Glad to put this behind me.
I can’t believe it’s been most of a year and your still dealing with that injury! Sorry it’s been such a long hard road to recovery.

Congratulations on getting married! That’s awesome
Wise words. My friends and I often joke how we could have adopted some kids and hired strippers to be there mothers and be money ahead a lot of money...

Joking aside congrats on getting married one of the best days of your life. You may question what in the hell you were thinking from time to time but who doesn’t.