Words and Phrases I HATE!!!

"Break the internet".
As if your picture of a vegan, gluten free, organic, shade grown, conflict free, fair trade croissant that you found down at a word of mouth only pop up restaurant run by roving bohemian bakers in the wharf district of whatever shitty ass town your "exploring" in is going to "break the internet."

Someone's upset that they didn't get invited. :rofl:
i dont like it when totaly growd up peeps cant writ a simple paragraph without theysound like they wuz still in skool and cant know how to do gramer or spellin or puncuatin they never put dots at then end of there sentances another thingy is they use words that aint akshully words like g8 or lol they do this when rittin stuff dat they know that atual edumacated peeps wheel reed that makes me skitzoid