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    Need to borrow/rent/buy: Transmission Jack

    I did mine with my bike jack, you're welcome to it'll work for you.

    My Old School Predictions

    If you change your mind, I'm traveling down solo on Thursday so I'll have a seat for ya.

    2012 OSRC Rules

    To answer your door question, yes and no. Jeeps, FJ's and the like can go doorless because of the threshold you have to step over to get into them. That keeps your feet and other things from falling out when things get tippy. Other vehicles are allowed to go doorless if they have a foot bar...

    2012 Judges

    Here's the schedule: Or, if you don't want to click: Thursday, May 10 Vendor Set Up 11:00 AM to 2:00 AM at Droubay Chevrolet (348 W. Main Street Delta) Tech Inspection 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Droubay Chevrolet...

    My Old School Predictions

    You better be there, I've got my reputation (and your hip) riding on this!

    My Old School Predictions

    Well, yeah..... Robby ate it. :laughing:

    My Old School Predictions

    I predict a 3 day party at the Day's Inn pool, followed by them having to drain it for beer can and lawn chair retrieval. :laughing:

    I need a lawnmower

    I've got two here you're welcome to as well. Self propelled baggers, both need some TLC. I just didn't have the time for them.

    Hey JK owners...get a fire extinguisher stat!!!

    I'm just a thrill seeker, bring on the burn!
  10. BCGPER

    2012 OSRC Rules

    Keep in mind, the stock class can pick a more difficult route anytime they choose to, so keeping the routes easy won't necessarily guarantee a safe run.
  11. BCGPER

    2012 OSRC Rules

    I agree with the need for a cage. How about a compromise, like 4 point cage for any vehicle with a steel roof and 6 point for any "open" tops?
  12. BCGPER

    My Old School Predictions

    Dont underestimate yourself, "you can dew eeeett"!!
  13. BCGPER

    My Old School Predictions

    Here's how I see things going down in May. :laughing: Team Fred: Wins the overall event. Celebrates by buying all the beer Staurday night. Goes home bankrupt. Rawlin: Wins the ramp, without catching on fire. Superfly doesn't win, but doesn't flip over on it this time. Maveric...
  14. BCGPER

    Samurai Sparton Locker Install

    I'm in SLC, so I'm no real help to you. The nice part about the lunchbox locker are how easy they are to install. However, the down side of the Sammy and Toyota is you have to completly disassemble the axle to install it. Not rocket science, but it'll take a while to get it installed. In a nut...
  15. BCGPER

    Under cover fuzz

    I just saved a bundle on my auto insurance.. :laughing:
  16. BCGPER

    New Obstacle for May 2012

    R.I.P "Pipes-O-Doom".... (glad to see them go)
  17. BCGPER

    Quick San Rafael Swell Expedition: May 11-13

    You should rent a JK for the weekend.. :D (I can't loan you mine, I'll be using it at Old School)
  18. BCGPER

    JK unlimited rental?

    I do miss the smaller, more nimble CJish size for a couple reasons. Obviously, you can fit one just about anywhere you want, but perhaps the biggest issue is I always trailered my other Jeeps. Not having a rescue vehicle always weighs on my mind, and I find myself being more carefull where I...
  19. BCGPER

    JK unlimited rental?

    Only a complete idiot would consider this. Tow rig gone, RV gone, and I'm happy with the JK (I did keep my trailer, just in case.)