Search results

  1. Houndoc

    Who would you want to control Jeep?

    My thoughts exactly. GM is as close to failure as Chrysler and will be dumping brands (Hummer, Saturn greatly scaled back Pontiac), so they are in no position to buy. Ford is in a little better shape, but still not in position to buy a brand. I have heard that in all likelihood Mercury's...
  2. Houndoc

    Who would you want to control Jeep?

    I put my vote (don't laugh) for Hyundai. Why? Two main reasons. 1) Quality of products now rivals that of Toyota and Honda. 2) It is not Toyota. Nothing at all wrong with Toyota, but currently the only two companies that really even seem to try to create real off-road vehicles is Jeep...
  3. Houndoc

    Who would you want to control Jeep?

    Thats already the case, and we still don't get one in the Jeeps.
  4. Houndoc

    Who would you want to control Jeep?

    Listening to the radio on my way to work this morning, the discussion was on the auto bail out and the chances of the "Big 3" surviving. One supposed expert commented that, in his opinion, Chrysler will not survive and will have to be sold off in parts. (I must admit, other than Dodge trucks...
  5. Houndoc

    "herjeep" safety&emi saga

    Too true. My kids will NOT have a vehicle in high school like I drove (1948 Chevy pick-up, lowered with a 327). Faster than I was smart at that age, and the guy who did the work had not up-graded brakes, steering etc to match the power. Not a very safe rig. Of course, as I see it sit unused...
  6. Houndoc

    Watering tires

    Caution that anti-freeze is toxic, espicially to dogs. Puncture in a tire and you create a poisonous mess. Would a salt mixture work? Of course, then you have corrisive issues on the rim I suppose.
  7. Houndoc

    JK Owners, tell us about your rigs!

    Awful thread. Temps me to go buy a Jeep that I really shouldn't....
  8. Houndoc

    "herjeep" safety&emi saga

    Hate seeing this turn in to a general rag on safety inspections. When I lived on Colorado, I saw vehicles (not just trail rigs) with problems that scared me to be around. Safety inspections do serve a purpose and although violations need to be handled professionally (unfortunately we...
  9. Houndoc

    Wheeling in the Stansburys

    I think either through the county (they have a trail commision that I would think has them) or perhaps Forest service or BLM.
  10. Houndoc

    Paris / New York - Transcontinental 2009

    Very cool. Mongolia is one of those places I really want to visit.
  11. Houndoc

    "herjeep" safety&emi saga

    Not sure I would call them nit-picky. If the rig should not have passed, then it should not have passed. The real problem is how they treated him, espicially talking to his boss. No nit-picky, no. Power trippin, sadly yes.
  12. Houndoc

    Wheeling in the Stansburys

    Which direction off the road, North or South? A map would be great (of course, I think there is a map of open trails in the Stansbury range. Should pick one up sometime. I know some of the trails are limited to specific class of vehicles and closed to others).
  13. Houndoc

    "herjeep" safety&emi saga

    I agree would be the right way to handle it. Needs follow-up, done proper and professionally. Is a very interesting set of events. Did the shop get busted to passing vehicles that shouldn't? How the UHP got involved, tracking down vehicles etc is very strange.
  14. Houndoc

    OK vendors....

    Must be the case....sadly no one wants my business. I hoped to give some of the newer shops a chance to chime in, but looks like I will need to call the trusted stand-bys. I know, I know, that is the smart thing to do anyway.:p
  15. Houndoc

    Wheeling in the Stansburys

    Is it the trail that splits off the main road at the top of the switch backs near the top of South Willow? That was my guess based on photos and discription. Neither North Willow or Davenport have roads that go far at all, at least to my knowledge.
  16. Houndoc

    Considering a Nissan XTerra

    What is the deal with all these ancient threads? Some one must have way too much time on their hands to be pulling them all up!
  17. Houndoc

    OK vendors....

    I will be doing some of that as well. I figured this would give a chance for some of the newer shops to show interest as well. May end up a waste of time, but figured what the heck!
  18. Houndoc

    OK vendors....

    All right, lets give the shops on here a chance to price some work. Those interested in giving me estimates, please send them via PM. Think it is fairer to all to keep the process private. I can than follow-up with questions on quality, reputation of shop etc as needed. Of course I can...
  19. Houndoc

    VW offroad tech??

    Built the XJ up enough you needed something else to work on???
  20. Houndoc

    Would this be proper?

    Agreed. But that is true no matter how you get the quotes. But my feelings is it is a way to get initial ideas....somewhere to start. Then research/due deligence kicks in before starting a project.