100 Pushups


Well-Known Member
Question for you older gentleman doing push-ups. Do you do anything to warm up your shoulders before you just jump in the pumping out reps? It seems like if I do 10 to 15 push-ups and then take like a minute rest I can pump out a lot more push-ups on the second set then if I was just to go to failure right out of the gate. I’m guessing a proper warm up would help my aging shoulders.


Ant Anstead of Dirtbikes
Supporting Member
Drop to your hands from standing so there are consequences. LOL. J/K

I DO stretch my wrists out first these days but luckily no shoulder stuff yet though.

So similarly to you I can only do about 45-50 to failure but it feels nicer if I do 25 then wait 4-5 mins and do the other 35

I've been adding a couple a day on top and I'd like to be up to 100 a day again by middle of the month if anyone wants a little extra.