I'm not a fan of the Tundra coils for a couple reason, as noted they are too soft (imo) for additional weight on the front of Tacomas, however more importantly the coil can contact the bucket on full droop producing a major 'thunk' as you bomb down rough roads. Oddly enough 4Runners don't have the interference issue while utilizing near identical suspension components (albeit totally different frames). I ran them on my truck for 6 months, the OME Nitrocharger Sport struts were just about to hit the market and I had one of the first sets of 90004's headed my way so I swapped them out and ditched the Bil/Tundra coils and went back to OME 882's w/top out spacers and pre-load spacers. Its pretty dialed in now, in fact I have zero complaints with the exception of lower control arm issues (cracking welds which is common on heavily used 1G Tacomas). If you have zero from load and particularly with lighter 4 cylinder I guess it would be worth a try but unless you score a respectable deal on the Tundra coils I don't know that I would ever recommend or try it again.