And resale sucks on bikes too. Ride a bike for 2 years and you're lucky to sell it for half what you paid for it.
Its embarrassing what my bike cost, but it's brought more joy, exercise, and enjoyment than almost any other investment. I typically get 3-4 rides a week, and it has helped me stay in shape. And my bike has been so little maintenance. I swap grips and tires tires every 4-5 months, wash it, and lube the chain. That's about it. Bikes are awesome these days (albeit way overpriced).
Personally, I'd rather have a plus hardtail with a dropper post ($800-$1000 used) over a full suspension without one, but that's just me. That being said, utah is truly one of the states where a full suspension makes a huge difference. The terrain is just so chunky. Exception would be if you mainly ride corner canyon or lambert.
We just passed through California, and while there were one or two trails with true chunk, 99% of the trails here do not require a full suspension. Utah and Colorado are totally different stories.
Even under $1k, its going to be tough to find a decent dual suspension bike sadly. That being said, we can find you a bike for $500 or less, but it's not going to be fantastic.