Anyone into 3D printing?

Not sure why so many people on FB groups seem to think that resin printing can’t make useable parts.

3 parts I printed this weekend for my mill;

Bracket to hold a mister nozzle
Adapter to go from the sheetmetal coolant trough to 2” hose. The flood coolant drains out the back of the machine into this trough and the instructions have you hackjobbing the 2” hose onto the end of the trough but I figured I could do that cleaner.

My way:

And then the coolant drains into a 5 gallon bucket where it’s pumped back up to the nozzle. I printed a sieve with about 100,000 .75mm holes in it to filter out any chips before they make it into the bucket. I’ll empty this as needed as chips accumulate. The big holes at the top will allow it to overflow into the bucket if the small holes get clogged and can’t drain.
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My son is going on a young men's backpacking trip in the Uintas next month. Since I pretty much pawn my kid off to these church people to expose him to some religion, I figured I'd contribute. I printed 20 of these whistles to give to all the boys going. They are loud as a MFer. No chance they are losing a kid who didn't lose their whistle.
My son is going on a young men's backpacking trip in the Uintas next month. Since I pretty much pawn my kid off to these church people to expose him to some religion, I figured I'd contribute. I printed 20 of these whistles to give to all the boys going. They are loud as a MFer. No chance they are losing a kid who didn't lose their whistle.
I guess it's better than what I printed for Girls camp :D

I guess it's better than what I printed for Girls camp :D

THOSE THINGS ARE TERRIBLE! The neighbor kid printed one and I was victimized by it for a few hours before his dad found out about it and disappeared it :rofl:
I had no idea that was a thing? What makes it special?
You can remove threadlocker with heat or chemical. I don't want to take the throttle body our of my bike, mostly because I don't want to have to bleed the oil injection so by using the liquid, I don't have to get heat around the plastic parts in the throttle body. It just takes a day or two to loosen it with the liquid.
You can remove threadlocker with heat or chemical. I don't want to take the throttle body our of my bike, mostly because I don't want to have to bleed the oil injection so by using the liquid, I don't have to get heat around the plastic parts in the throttle body. It just takes a day or two to loosen it with the liquid.
Ahhh that makes sense. Good idea 👍
My youngest kid keeps going outside. As I was backing out of the garage this morning at 530 he was running towards me in the garage. We've talk to him about it over and over to no use. He's figured out the round door knob things that people typically use for toddler door locks so those won't work. I just bought a couple double deadbolts to put on a few doors so you have to have a key to unlock them.

I'm thinking that printing something about an inch tall that would screw to the door jam with a little catch on the end that you'd need to bend out of the way to open the door fully would work. Keeping it thin would make it flexible enough you could easily open the door. It'd need to be installed high enough he couldn't reach in his own.

I think this is a stage that he's going to get over pretty quick so I don't really want to spend the money on something more drastic. I also don't really want to screw a chain catch in the doors that will be hard to hide later on. I can patch an interior door jam easy enough.

Would something like this work do you think? My kid just turned 4.

edit: something like this. Now I just need to dust off my printer and figure out how to make it print again. I haven't used it in probably 4 years.
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We needed to be able to leave (to go to work) and keep him from opening the door and coming after us as well as to keep him from fleeing while we were upstairs. Part of the issue is that grandpa lives in the basement and when his older brother doesn't want to play with him and we are otherwise occupied, Sam keeps going downstairs to pester grandpa. Like 3 times on Sunday morning. The interior door to the basement is locked, but hes been going out the back door, down the deck stairs, and knocking on grandpas door. Grandpa won't say no, or tell him not right now so we've got to figure out a solution.

I printed a few of what I linked above and installed two last night. We'll see if my wife can get back in the house after leaving for swim lessons this morning.