attn: runners!!

A > 9 hour race would really be tough. It sounds like most of the race was on the bike. I like the idea of a kayak leg instead of a swimming leg. How many ropes were set up for the rappel? I would imagine you could end up waiting there for quite a while if you arrive mid-pack.

I volunteered this year so I could get $100 off my next years entry fee. Don't know how many ropes were set up as I was at the finish but I didn't hear of any delays at the rappel. A lot of people had difficulty with cramping and being unable to walk after the Kayak portion.. Imagine after doing everything else then sitting in cold water unable to move for 2+ hours...
I think you guys that like running are sick in the head... :p I used to run several miles a day, wish I were in that kind of shape still, I felt great.

Have you guys seen this?

There's a Tough Mudder event coming up in Western CO pretty soon, looks a bit over the top, but fun.
I saw this thread back in January and didn't read the updates since it didn't apply to me at the time... But I've decided to get back into running again, I quit due to knee pain 12 years ago. I got a new knee last November (Stryker Triathlon) and had a good recovery and run of physical therapy. I have a range of motion of 140*. Been playing racquetball for a bit over a month, and running in spurts on the treadmill for nearly as long.

I've lost weight but not as much yet as I wanted to. But 20 pounds since November is a good start. I'm a Clydesdale (over 6' and over 200 pounds) and always will be, I'm 6'3 and currently 280 pounds. I have no specific goal for weight. Other than to lose it in a healthy and sustainable manner. No fads or program-of-the-week. Will visit SL Running Company tomorrow for a stride eval. I bought some cheap shoes at Big 5, fine for walking, but not running. I used to do almost everything in Nike Aqua Socks 20 years ago, even some running. But not sure I could go minimalist in shoes till my weight comes back down.

Good reading this thread again though. I've looked at the Couch to 5k and was already doing similar in my treadmill activites. But watching my heart rate to not overdo things just yet. Looking at maybe a 5k by fall while a lot depends on my knee still. But so far, it isn't holding me back anymore!
I saw this thread back in January and didn't read the updates since it didn't apply to me at the time... But I've decided to get back into running again, I quit due to knee pain 12 years ago. I got a new knee last November (Stryker Triathlon) and had a good recovery and run of physical therapy. I have a range of motion of 140*. Been playing racquetball for a bit over a month, and running in spurts on the treadmill for nearly as long.

I've lost weight but not as much yet as I wanted to. But 20 pounds since November is a good start. I'm a Clydesdale (over 6' and over 200 pounds) and always will be, I'm 6'3 and currently 280 pounds. I have no specific goal for weight. Other than to lose it in a healthy and sustainable manner. No fads or program-of-the-week. Will visit SL Running Company tomorrow for a stride eval. I bought some cheap shoes at Big 5, fine for walking, but not running. I used to do almost everything in Nike Aqua Socks 20 years ago, even some running. But not sure I could go minimalist in shoes till my weight comes back down.

Good reading this thread again though. I've looked at the Couch to 5k and was already doing similar in my treadmill activites. But watching my heart rate to not overdo things just yet. Looking at maybe a 5k by fall while a lot depends on my knee still. But so far, it isn't holding me back anymore!
Awesome! I read some articles this morning on new long-term studies on the effects of running on knees. It obviously doesn't apply to your artificial knee, but it turns out running is clearly not bad for your knees, and is probably good for your knees overall.

Don't do too much too soon. Have you talked to your doctor about running? I'd be curious about what the recommendations are.

I was able to try on some Bikilas and Bikila LS yesterday. No one had the color I wanted in the size I needed. I ordered a pair of black Bikila LS size 40 yesterday. Looking forward to getting them sometime this week. I'll take it real slow at first. Probably will do 6 miles in my Kayanos, then finish up with half a mile slow in VFFs. I hear it's really easy to do too much too soon barefoot or in minimalist shoes.
Awesome! I read some articles this morning on new long-term studies on the effects of running on knees. It obviously doesn't apply to your artificial knee, but it turns out running is clearly not bad for your knees, and is probably good for your knees overall.

Don't do too much too soon. Have you talked to your doctor about running? I'd be curious about what the recommendations are.

I was able to try on some Bikilas and Bikila LS yesterday. No one had the color I wanted in the size I needed. I ordered a pair of black Bikila LS size 40 yesterday. Looking forward to getting them sometime this week. I'll take it real slow at first. Probably will do 6 miles in my Kayanos, then finish up with half a mile slow in VFFs. I hear it's really easy to do too much too soon barefoot or in minimalist shoes.

Wish I had a dollar for every time I hear don't do too much too soon... Actually, between my physical therapist and the doctor, higher levels of activity have been my goal. *I* have had a far above average recovery with 99th percentile Range of Motion. I sure busted my ass in therapy, but it seems my body wanted to do things as much as *I* want to.

Running was discussed in January with the doc. I tried to jog, but made it a dozen steps and decided to wait. I'll leave it at, it felt WEIRD. Since I saw the doc again just a week ago, he didn't bat an eye at me running. In fact, the only real limitation he placed is not to slalom ski. Since I don't ski, it'll be easy to work with that. Officially, he told me, that if it hurts, back off, if not? Go for it.

Let us know how the VFF Bikilas work out.
Hey Braden,

I've heard some good things about these

and it's a local company. Basically most of the benefits of those Bikila's, only with more cushioning.

I'm not trying to be biased but the altras are pretty sweet. Super comfy but natural and minimal. My brother in law owns the company and invinted the shoes. The just released them a few weeks ago and almost every store in the nation is sold out. Even my in laws store. They just can't produce them fast enough.
So basically padding in the mid/fore foot, but no built-up heel. Sounds cool. Not quite as minimal as the VFFs. I'll look at them next time if the minimalist thing turns out to be for me. I'm not dedicated to it yet, just playing.

Most of my miles will be in Kayanos for at least a while.
Wish I had a dollar for every time I hear don't do too much too soon... Actually, between my physical therapist and the doctor, higher levels of activity have been my goal. *I* have had a far above average recovery with 99th percentile Range of Motion. I sure busted my ass in therapy, but it seems my body wanted to do things as much as *I* want to.

Running was discussed in January with the doc. I tried to jog, but made it a dozen steps and decided to wait. I'll leave it at, it felt WEIRD. Since I saw the doc again just a week ago, he didn't bat an eye at me running. In fact, the only real limitation he placed is not to slalom ski. Since I don't ski, it'll be easy to work with that. Officially, he told me, that if it hurts, back off, if not? Go for it.

Let us know how the VFF Bikilas work out.
Must be good advice if it's repeated so much. :)

Sounds like your doc is on-board. Keep us updated!

I got these today. I ran a very slow (10:00 minute) mile in them. Instant totally different form. I was on the balls of my feet the whole time. I can see how the stress is shifted to completely different parts of the legs. For now I think I'll wear Kayano's for all but about a mile of my runs. Maybe after a few weeks I'll switch to doing one full easy run per week in these, or something. I rarely run less than 6 miles. I'm doing the Susan Komen 5K on Saturday, and I think I'll be in Kayanos.


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I ran my first half marathon this morning in 1:46:30. My 73 year old dad ran it in 2:03:14 for first in his age group. He has always been a runner, not me.
Must be good advice if it's repeated so much. :)
Sounds like your doc is on-board. Keep us updated!

Last month I strained my other knee MCL, and am also fighting plantar fasciaitis now. One step forward two back. But both are getting better. Those VFFs look cool, nice to see how someone likes them. I need to lose a lot more weight before going minimalist.
A > 9 hour race would really be tough. It sounds like most of the race was on the bike. I like the idea of a kayak leg instead of a swimming leg. How many ropes were set up for the rappel? I would imagine you could end up waiting there for quite a while if you arrive mid-pack.

The race was really fun and I think I will do it next year.

They had 10-12 ropes set up and volunteers at each section. even at that we had to wait for a bit to get down the rope. The wait, however, was kind of nice:p.
I am hoping to get back into it, have not been able to run at all since breaking my collarbone. How are you liking those Vibrams? I'm hoping they will help me avoid more knee issues.:D
I was planning on running a full marathon this year but I had hernia surgery a few weeks ago and while my recovery is going well I am not where I need to be to train. I was running 20-25 miles a week before having to cut down and then stop running. I am slowly geting back but have lost all endurance and speed. I will still run a half marathon again this year after running two last year.
Taco, The Fem has started running in her Vibrams but it is a slow transition process to the barefoot running world. I say just get a road bike and screw running then you won't have the knee issues :P.. That said I am doing a Triathlon this summer so I am training for that. but I still hate running
I am hoping to get back into it, have not been able to run at all since breaking my collarbone. How are you liking those Vibrams? I'm hoping they will help me avoid more knee issues.:D

I love them! I still only run about half my mileage in them. They work completely different muscles than normal running shoes. You end up using your calf muscles a lot, so it takes a lot of time to build up mileage in barefoot shoes. I ran 6 miles on Saturday in the Vibrams, and then 6 last night in my normal shoes. I have not had any knee pain since I started shifting some of my mileage to the barefoot shoes. I want to do at least one half marathon this year, and I will be wearing normal running shoes (Asics Kayano), but with half the training miles in barefoot shoes I have a much lower risk of overuse knee injuries.

If you have knee issues, I would highly recommend trying barefoot shoes, but start slow!