Can we talk dogs?

Kind of a tough one, but a cool picture to share on this forum. Our 2.5yr old bernedoodle Oskar just got really sick and died a couple weeks ago. Took him to numerous vets, medicine, etc. but he just couldn't take it I guess. He was an awesome dog. My birthday was also a little over a week ago, and before he got sick and passed my wife had this painted. This is a picture from when him and I drove down to the Dolores River in southwest Colorado. I love this picture, and the water painting she got me of it is very cool.

Kind of a tough one, but a cool picture to share on this forum. Our 2.5yr old bernedoodle Oskar just got really sick and died a couple weeks ago. Took him to numerous vets, medicine, etc. but he just couldn't take it I guess. He was an awesome dog. My birthday was also a little over a week ago, and before he got sick and passed my wife had this painted. This is a picture from when him and I drove down to the Dolores River in southwest Colorado. I love this picture, and the water painting she got me of it is very cool.

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Sorry about the dog. They're definitely family.
Cool picture and memory!
I don't know that I got permission as much as an acknowledgment that three of us want a dog and one doesn't. Anyway, we're going to be getting a puppy in a few months. I've been looking at giant schnauzers but am still open and haven't made a decision yet. We're going to an acquaintance's house to check out their Bernepoo on Saturday. I'm inclined towards a dog that doesn't shed much.
I’m a huge fan of poodle variants.

What’s the draw to the giant schnauzer? They are beautiful, but don’t know much else about them.
The giant schnauzers are "working" dogs and are used in protection work and law enforcement in Europe. They are smart and kind of stubborn and super Velcro dogs. They don't get crazy big but the males can hit 100 lbs and maybe a bit over that. My dane charlie was 150 and alice was 120-130.

From what I've read they are kind of similar to great danes but a bit smaller and maybe more stubborn. More stand off-ish to unknown people.

I kind of just want a "big" dog that doesn't shed a ton. That knocks out the labs and goldens and the weims and doberman's unless you cross them with a poodle I guess.

A 3/4 to 2/3 size great dane would fit the bill and I'd deal with the hair but those don't exist.
I’m a firm believer that dogs and drugs are the same. Just say no. Once you make the mistake, it’s a long road to recovery. I think we are just passed half way to our freedom again.

My brother has a Newfie-poo. It’s a big clumsy dog that is super friendly and active. I’d say it’s a good route for a big dog.

I’d go full opposite if I were to do it again. Something small that can sit on the kids lap when traveling. Eats way less food. Needs way less space. It might be hard to find the right temperament/size/no-shed/easy Maintenece combo, but I’d pay twice what it’s worth if I could.
I’m a firm believer that dogs and drugs are the same. Just say no. Once you make the mistake, it’s a long road to recovery. I think we are just passed half way to our freedom again.

My brother has a Newfie-poo. It’s a big clumsy dog that is super friendly and active. I’d say it’s a good route for a big dog.

I’d go full opposite if I were to do it again. Something small that can sit on the kids lap when traveling. Eats way less food. Needs way less space. It might be hard to find the right temperament/size/no-shed/easy Maintenece combo, but I’d pay twice what it’s worth if I could.
We've given up. Full on addicts. We no longer go anywhere. :rofl:
Text from my daughter yesterday.

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Not that you are looking …….but if your daughter is, here is my advice.

Great breed but there has been a lot of bad breeding done due to the trendiness of the breed. The few years we did some frenchie breeding I was very specific about the genetics of the studs we bread with. If the breeder doesn’t have genetic testing of the parents stay away.