Did you know that some older GM cars used a 5x5 bolt pattern, which is the same as the modern day Jeep bolt pattern?
My adventure trailer has 17x8 Soft 8 wheels with the Jeep 5x5 bolt pattern and 35" BFG KO2's. I was surprised when the Jeep bolt pattern fit perfectly on the '67 Pontiac! Unfortunately I only have 3 wheels are tires!
After testing my turning radius, it doesn't look like the 37's will work at all. The frame gets right in the way. As it sits with the 35's and these wheels, I'm getting into the frame hard with the wheel turned about 1/2 way. Not really a surprise, as I'm sure Pontiac never imagined 35'" tires on their cars. I'm not sure if a 1.5-2" wheel spacer would make much difference, but I may try them out.