These stories are great. I used to flip phones from the PHX craigslist. I'd purposely misspell the names of devices I was familiar within the search bar and find horrible ads from at least a week out. All the words were misspelled, no info, no pics. Since they were misspelled, no one had called. I'd throw together a new ad with pictures, information, and current market value of that device-and list it at a fair but high price. I'd set up the buyer and seller at different gas stations across the street from each other, wipe the memory and sell for at least double, after having it in my possession for less than five minutes. The used phone market is so sketchy, I didn't feel bad not knowing any details on the device. The original owner didn't either, and I never got complaints. I'd haggle hard on the buying side and wouldn't budge on the selling side. I pulled 3 transactions in one lunch break and profited almost $600 in 30 minutes. Paid off a new transmission in 2 days.
If you can't even properly list an ad or spell Blackberry correctly, I don't think you deserve to sell at the high price. I've done worse things to stay alive.
If you can't even properly list an ad or spell Blackberry correctly, I don't think you deserve to sell at the high price. I've done worse things to stay alive.
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