Eagles Nest illegal bypass


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
richpblaze said:
Set it deeper so only the rebar or whatever we use is all that is showing. I think a big sonnet tube really deep would be the answer. (Unless we hit rock.)
If the hook is all that is showing people might not see it and still use the tree. I agree, the deeper the better.


Mead, WA
If we do all this, who's to say it will last? There is a lot of water running down there. We all know what happens to water when it freezes inside of cracks. Will the cracks get larger and start chipping away and make the winch point unsafe in 5 maybe 10 years?


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
waynehartwig said:
If we do all this, who's to say it will last? There is a lot of water running down there. We all know what happens to water when it freezes inside of cracks. Will the cracks get larger and start chipping away and make the winch point unsafe in 5 maybe 10 years?
I'm really not worried about the ice cracking this type of set up. It will be useabe for a very long time.


Suddenly Enthusiastic
waynehartwig said:

That's just not the position I would like to be in when it gave loose....:eek:
You're much more likeyl to have a winch cable break or some other failure than to have the anchor let go.


Mead, WA
toys4rocks said:
You just don't want to be in that position because your Jeep is still shiney!! :D
Not completely true...:p Some people like to roll.... I'm not one of them. Even if I had a buggy I wouldn't want it to happen. Especially if we clean up all of the rocks at the bottom to make it a tall waterfall again.


I didn't mean to do that!
waynehartwig said:
Not completely true...:p Some people like to roll.... I'm not one of them. Even if I had a buggy I wouldn't want it to happen. Especially if we clean up all of the rocks at the bottom to make it a tall waterfall again.

I hear ya, I was only giving you crap because not too many people do with a leased jeep, what you do! :D

I don't intentionally roll either, but I would be more concerned about winch cable, hook, or other failure before I would worry about the anchor coming out.


cruiseroutfit said:
Remember this guy ;)

Yes, that is the Eagles Nest in the beginning...

I am not going to read the remaining 10+ pages, and I probably won't open this thread to see any other responses at all, but I am going to add my opinion anyway:

How in the hell can anyone say that was ever a trail? and then complain that it has changed? There is shrubbery hanging off the back of the truck, but that is okay? There is not a single line from that pic that is wide enough to fit that truck without running over bushes.

So, what I am understanding, is that because there was a truck up there that needed removed, there is now free reign over the same route used to remove the truck, although there wasn't a trail before? That is ludicrous!

In my opinion, that pic gives more ammo for the anti-wheelers than pics of the place now!


Sandy, Ut
V-DAWG said:
I am not going to read the remaining 10+ pages, and I probably won't open this thread to see any other responses at all, but I am going to add my opinion anyway...

Were you there? No...

If you don't have the "time" to read the rest of the thread(s) and get the facts, then your opinion means nothing to me...

There are still areas of the 5MPRA that are OPEN travel, but trail weaving is NOT permitted nor encouraged..

A peice of tree hanging off a truck, I bet you have never had that happen... :rofl:


Registered User
V-DAWG said:
I am not going to read the remaining 10+ pages, and I probably won't open this thread to see any other responses at all, but I am going to add my opinion anyway:

How in the hell can anyone say that was ever a trail? and then complain that it has changed? .....There is not a single line from that pic that is wide enough to fit that truck without running over bushes.

So, what I am understanding, is that because there was a truck up there that needed removed, there is now free reign over the same route used to remove the truck, although there wasn't a trail before? That is ludicrous!

In my opinion, that pic gives more ammo for the anti-wheelers than pics of the place now!

How come this has not been answered in either thread? (at least that can now be read) If it was an official trail appor ved and sanctioned by BLM, then just say so. That would end the debate on its origins completely.


Sandy, Ut
V-DAWG said:
How in the hell can anyone say that was ever a trail? and then complain that it has changed?

Even if it is a new trail (which is NOT the case)... does that make it OK to widen it 10 feet in every direction? You have to be kidding?

There is not a single line from that pic that is wide enough to fit that truck without running over bushes.

I can admit from the pic it doesn't look like it... but as you come up the Eagles Nest you take a hard left (not easily seen in the pic). Mabey you can join us at the service project and I can show you. There was an existing trail right to the top of the nest.

So, what I am understanding, is that because there was a truck up there that needed removed, there is now free reign over the same route used to remove the truck, although there wasn't a trail before? That is ludicrous!

Well I can just say I am glad the BLM doesn't share your opinion :rolleyes:

In my opinion, that pic gives more ammo for the anti-wheelers than pics of the place now!

We've already covered your my opinion of your opinion!

Have you ever spring cleared a trail as part of a Forest Service project? You are complaining about a single tree limb... We spent an entire day attacking a trail (trimming back limbs, moving trees, etc) for the Forest service just to get a trail back in condition from years of little use and winter over growth. Every run Mineral Basin in the Spring? Hey Joe Canyon in the spring?


Sandy, Ut
Houndoc said:
How come this has not been answered in either thread? (at least that can now be read) If it was an official trail appor ved and sanctioned by BLM, then just say so. That would end the debate on its origins completely.

Why don't you do some research and tell us?

1. The BLM doesn't have an "official" Travel Plan for this area that I have ever seen... rather most of the area is either rated A (cross country permitted), B (limited use, existing roads/trails only) or private property (which is ALOT of the stuff out there.

2. The BLM is 100% aware of the Constrictor trail, remember they asked us to get the car out of there. In addition we talked with them about the signs, future trail sytems, etc.

3. There was an existing trail in the canyon... ATV's have been there long before us...

This HAS been detailed over and over in countless Constrictor threads.


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
cruiseroutfit said:
This HAS been detailed over and over in countless Constrictor threads.

One thing that has also been missed and/or ovelooked is Why this trail was introduced to this board. I personally have said this on one or more of these many threads. RS was being abused by the over stock rigs. The Con was introed to this board to help the over stock rigs have a place to play. We were hoping that having a hard trail close by would give us wheelers looking for an extreme trail a reason to leave RS alone. Infact, just the oppisite happened. The stocker type rigs wanted to play with the big boys and started modifying the Con. 99% of the threads posted about the Con are the over stock type guys simply saying...Knock it off! Leave the trail alone. That's all, the over stock guys want a cool place to play too. I really don't think we want to go back to the way it was and have the RS trail get redecorated, do we...?


Formerly WJ ZUK
Anther idea I was just reading about on pirate was in colorado the BLM required guard rails on some trails to prevent bypasses. I bet We could get some highway guard rails. There strong and would take a beating for sure. Plus they look very official and we would only need like 50 feet. Not very pretty but they work

Kris K

4x4 Addict!
Heber City, UT
WJ ZUK said:
Anther idea I was just reading about on pirate was in colorado the BLM required guard rails on some trails to prevent bypasses. I bet We could get some highway guard rails. There strong and would take a beating for sure. Plus they look very official and we would only need like 50 feet. Not very pretty but they work

Suzuki forum :D I was going to post about the samething, it was on the Independence trail.