Epic food porn

mmmm tater tots... :)

short story here.... my Mom came back from Alaska with #25 frozen halibut in checked baggage that was lost.
"We'll get that box to you eventually, Ma'am" to which she replied.. "That you will find it I have no doubt, but if not in 12 hours, you can keep it"
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gave the offset a workout yesterday
left to right: 2.5lbs tri-tip, 16lb (before trimming) brisket, 16lbs of pulled pork.
Tri-tip was a bit too dry, even with added fat trimmed from the brisket.
Brisket was awesome, and the pulled pork was for a neighbor (he said it was great).


and the required brisket money shot...

To keep my TriTip from drying out, I wrap it in foil at 120-130 degrees and then finish it to 180 degrees, then let it rest in a cooler for 20-30 min before slicing. Since doing it that way it has always been super moist and tasty.
To keep my TriTip from drying out, I wrap it in foil at 120-130 degrees and then finish it to 180 degrees, then let it rest in a cooler for 20-30 min before slicing. Since doing it that way it has always been super moist and tasty.
I'll give that a try next time
I usually pull my tri tip at 130, then sear it in a hot cast iron (butter) for a minute on each side, then let it rest for 15 minutes before slicing. Seems to come out well and even with the smoker at 225 I can have it on the table in less than 2 hours.

That brisket looks incredible! I tried my first one a few weeks ago and it turned out better than I expected. I salt rubbed it the night before, then do a rub using mustard as a fixer. In hindsite, I think I wouldn't have used any salt in the second rub because it was a bit on the salty side.

So far I have only smoked Tri Tips in my smoker. I have enjoyed the way they have turned out, and they are fast! They smoke for 1-3 hours depending on size, and I pull them at 130, and let them rest for 5-10 mins, then slice them up. Have yet to do a seer on them, but do want to try it.

I am envious of the electric/auto pellet feeds that can do long smokes without babysitting. My 'pane/cabinet/chip style requires more babysitting, but I still have enjoyed it. Doing an overnight pork butt/brisket is kind of out of the question unless I want to be getting up every couple hours to check on it, and that is where the pellet/auto feed styles seem to really win.

I will definitely be playing with it and doing more meats this summer, but may have to upgrade at some point. But I have really enjoyed playing with it and learning.

.... I'm hungry...