Epic food porn

Didn’t take any pics but we got fancy with some s’mores tonight. It started with me telling a buddy about using a Caramello or a Reese’s Peanut Butter cup in place of a regular piece of Hershey’s chocolate. Well, after a quick trip to 7-11 we came back with a bunch of random candy to try.

Top concoctions of the night.
- s’more with some peanut butter and (strawberry) jelly kind of candy chocolate cup thing-amajigger.

- s’more using Hershey’s cookies and cream candy bar with a few fresh strawberry slices on it. Absolutely amazing!

Everything we made had the regular marshmallow and graham cracker ingredients.
We cooked a great Thanksgiving dinner for family out of town and we left them with the leftovers.

Felt a little ripped off, so I picked up a Turkey breast and tossed it on the smoker for dinner tonight and leftovers the next few days. 🤤

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Nice! I'm doing that this weekend since we spent Turkey day in Moab and let the Brewery handle dinner. I love Thanksgiving leftovers.
Cooked my first brisket, it was a little small and finished up quicker than planned, so we're having an early dinner! It came out great, awesome flavor, juicy and tender.

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We’ve done a few briskets and one of them we had to drive from highland to Layton after it was done. We’ve found if you wrap it in foil and then several towels or the like and stick it in a cooler, you can go hours before you eat it if necessary. The one we drove to Layton with was super juicy too. Not sure if it was because it had more rest time or what.