Gravy's Bike Rebuild

On another note, if you look at the Rhino Rally flyer, there is a $10 fee for a transponder. I am glad to see they are finally implementing this system.

BITD started using them in '08 and it cost $80, but it was mine to keep. I'm assuming that the $10 is a rental fee, but as more clubs start using them, you may be able to buy your own (if you run enough races to make it worth the cost). Unless the actual design or technology has changed, they only have a non-rechargeable battery life of 2 to 3 seasons.
So, since you're shopping for a replacement bike... what are you going to do with the worn-out YZF? I was a video on YouTube of a guy that shoehorned a CR500 motor into a YZF.... :greg:
I'm hoping so Paul. The cam caps and cams don't appear blued or overheated and the motor is easy to turn over by hand.

Either way, I think it's a good time to upgrade.
I haven't necessarily outgrown the bike's functionality, it's just I feel newer suspension and other advances in bike tech will allow me to progress at a faster rate...

and it hopefully wont conk out on me on a race. With 3/4 time school, full time work and many other hobbies... it's makes the hobby less enjoyable if I have to spend time wrenching... I have a 4 wheel rig for that.
I finally got around to checking the valves at TDC

They should be
EX .010 -.012"
IN .006 -.008"

Clymer manual says the exhaust should be at .0098" to .0118" (or .250 mm to .300 mm)
the right exhaust is at 0.006"- 0.0069" or .152mm-.177mm
the left exhaust is at 0.006"- 0.0069" or .152mm-.177mm

The manual says intake should be .0059" to .00787" or (.150mm to .200 mm)
the right intake is at < 0.004" or .102mm
the center intake is at 0.004"- 0.0049" or .102mm - .120mm
the left intake is at 0.004"- 0.0049" or .102mm - .120mm

So they are pretty tight.
Does anyone have some shims I can dig through? or should I pick some up?
I guess I need to pull the cam caps to check what I have in there so I know what I need.

I also got a new NGK - CR8E spark plug
they call for 0.028-0.031" gap

for Reference:
Just measure the old ones to find out what size you need for new ones. Definitely buy a kit if you plan to keep the bike, shims are about $5 each so it pays quick to have the set
I believe the idea is to remove the existing shims. Then subtract from them to get the correct clearance.

So subtract .102-.148mm from Exhaust
subtract .048-.098mm from Intake.

and put that shim in.
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