Ground Zero Mosque, how do you feel?


Active Member
Loma Colorado
I read your post while imagining the words coming out of Rodney Dangerfields mouth and it was quite entertaining. Thank you for that. My apologies, I mean no disrespect.

Look man all I want is for you to help me understand your point of view. I am open minded enough to give you the chance in my mind to teach me and help me understand what makes you tick. If you want to imagine me as a 31yr old kid sitting on the floor in front of you waiting for you to grace me with some knowledge then so be it. Please help me understand your thoughts and feelings. Please kind sir hook a kid up, drop me some knowledge. Explain to me why you think the way you do. I'll ask a simple question.

Kind sir, my elder, why should the Muslims not be allowed to build a community center open to the public on the island of Manhattan?

I am patiently, and respectfully awaiting your reply.

Sincerely, Spence

Fair enough Spence, They have every legal right to build there, I think it would be an extremely good move for the muslim community and people behind the building of the mosque to be sensitive & respectful of those families and folks who oppose that site.

I believe that many folks would see it as a gesture to ease tensions in the NY & thruout the USA, I think it would just be a wise decision and mabey it would help bring people together OK.

And look, I do not want to get into a piising match and name calling contest, if you disagree with me thats great and I respect that whatever your age, can you respect my opinion? Bob


Vanilla Gorilla
Fair enough Spence, They have every legal right to build there, I think it would be an extremely good move for the muslim community and people behind the building of the mosque to be sensitive & respectful of those families and folks who oppose that site.

I believe that many folks would see it as a gesture to ease tensions in the NY & thruout the USA, I think it would just be a wise decision and mabey it would help bring people together OK.

And look, I do not want to get into a piising match and name calling contest, if you disagree with me thats great and I respect that whatever your age, can you respect my opinion? Bob
That was quite well thought out and well put. Thank You.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
What we would like is a logical discourse on WHY there should be no muslim community center in Manhattan. I don't need much, just WHY you think the way you do. What the rest of us are trying to figure out is just exactly WHY it shouldn't be done. I haven't read one sentence explaining WHY from any of the detractors other than an opinion that it would be "in poor taste" which was not followed up as to WHY it would be in poor taste.

This has been discussed a few times in the first few pages. It's pretty obvious that 3000ish people are pretty upset over their dead relatives. I have been to ground zero and found it to be very thought provoking and special in some sad way. It also stirred the "don't mess with my countrymen" emotion within me. Patriotism is a great feeling.

Fair enough Spence, They have every legal right to build there, I think it would be an extremely good move for the muslim community and people behind the building of the mosque to be sensitive & respectful of those families and folks who oppose that site.

I believe that many folks would see it as a gesture to ease tensions in the NY & thruout the USA, I think it would just be a wise decision and mabey it would help bring people together OK.

And look, I do not want to get into a piising match and name calling contest, if you disagree with me thats great and I respect that whatever your age, can you respect my opinion? Bob

This is a good summation of how I feel too.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I can see how you would be upset with an asylum or mental hospital going near ground zero, but I'm still having a difficult time wrapping my head around what a Mosque has to do with it...


Vanilla Gorilla
Fair enough Spence, They have every legal right to build there, I think it would be an extremely good move for the muslim community and people behind the building of the mosque to be sensitive & respectful of those families and folks who oppose that site.

I believe that many folks would see it as a gesture to ease tensions in the NY & thruout the USA, I think it would just be a wise decision and mabey it would help bring people together OK.

And look, I do not want to get into a piising match and name calling contest, if you disagree with me thats great and I respect that whatever your age, can you respect my opinion? Bob

So to paraphrase Bobzilla here is what people on the opposite side think.

They have every legal right to build there, I think it would be an extremely good move for the non muslim community and people behind the anti-mosque movement to be sensitive and respectful to those families who support the site.

I believe that many folks worldwide would see it as a gesture to ease tensions in NY & throughout the world. I think it would just be a wise decision and bring people together OK.


Active Member
Loma Colorado
I can see how you would be upset with an asylum or mental hospital going near ground zero, but I'm still having a difficult time wrapping my head around what a Mosque has to do with it...

Look I will try to explain the concern for some of us older citizens, I will try to explain why we get upset,

It is not the mosque itself, or all muslims, I believe it is what the mosque may represent in the future, I think we are concerned for our friends & families & fellow citizens, that one day in the US we may have some sharia law & less of the US constitution?

There are many muslims in the US, that would like to have sharia law be a part of our way of living in the US, some want to change the structure of the US government and laws in favor of sharia law.

I believe that our constitution and laws clash with sharia law, so are we as citizens to one day accept thier laws in the US? or will they accept the US saying no to all sharia law?

I think that many muslims believe in sharia as strongly as some of us do in our constitution, I do not want to live in thier country, I do not have desire to change thier country & I don't want them to change the US or our laws. I belive it will be an uphill battle over sharia law in the US?

Yea mabey you & some others, think we shouldn't get upset and or say anything? some of you have to call us names, bigots, paranoid and all the others, ruthless names, you say we are stupid and all that BS, you have no problem telling some of us were crazy, but you call us names? that is BS, I respect you and what you have to say, so respect me fair?

Mabey we really just love our country & countrymen and all we want is what is best for our families & friends and the future, mabey we are concerned about what is becoming of this country, mabey we would feel defeated in some sense of the word for allowing the mosque to built, it's just a feeling that if anything bad ever happened we would feel responsible for making a bad decision, if that makes any sense? see we are concerned for you also, if that makes me stupid, and a bigot, paranoid and all that BS you guys called me, so be it.



I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
I still don't see how you connect a community center/mosque being built into them trying to change are laws. How do you connect a building being built to bad things happening? What do you think, if they get this building built they are just going to use it to produce bombs and send them out into the city. Do you think this one mosque and not the couple of other hundred of so through out NY is going to pump out young terrorist to torment the rest of the nation?

Help me understand how this building translates into all these things going wrong with are country.


Active Member
Loma Colorado
I still don't see how you connect a community center/mosque being built into them trying to change are laws. How do you connect a building being built to bad things happening? What do you think, if they get this building built they are just going to use it to produce bombs and send them out into the city. Do you think this one mosque and not the couple of other hundred of so through out NY is going to pump out young terrorist to torment the rest of the nation?

Help me understand how this building translates into all these things going wrong with are country.

I am certainly not capable of predicting the future? the mosque in that particular location will represent a shift in power and supremacy over the US, my opinion right or wrong.

It has nothing to do with errecting a building ok, do you not seriously understand that as part of thier beliefs many muslims believe and feel they should be able to practice sharia law? in the US, thier law over our law, supremacy over the west.

I see it as one more building block to slowly gain control of our laws and to further thier quest to gain power over the US, ultimate goal being to transform our constitution and laws regardless if it takes them a hundred years, that is my honest belief, right or wrong.

Please help me to understand something, can we exist peacefully in this country if they do not refuse to practice sharia law in the US? should they be able to change our laws to fit thier beliefs?


Formerly Beardy McGee
Please help me to understand something, can we exist peacefully in this country if they do not refuse to practice sharia law in the US? should they be able to change our laws to fit thier beliefs?

Absolutely not, I do not believe that the US will bend to allow Sharia Law, but even still, there is a massive void between the issue of the construction of this Muslim Center and Sharia Law being allowed in the US. I did a little bit of reading today, and came across Harold Koh. Sounds like he has some screwy points of view when it comes to Sharia Law, bit I really don't see this flying in the US. It would be career suicide for anyone who tried to allow the practice in this country.


Formerly Beardy McGee
Interseting thought.. Could the whole proposal of this Muslim Community Center be a giant publicity stunt to enrage Muslim extremists back East? Our country's bottled up racism used as propoganda against us?

... Stir, stir..

Sharia Law can suck it...


Active Member
Loma Colorado
Absolutely not, I do not believe that the US will bend to allow Sharia Law, but even still, there is a massive void between the issue of the construction of this Muslim Center and Sharia Law being allowed in the US. I did a little bit of reading today, and came across Harold Koh. Sounds like he has some screwy points of view when it comes to Sharia Law, bit I really don't see this flying in the US. It would be career suicide for anyone who tried to allow the practice in this country.

I am with you that is my hope that the US will never bend or allow sharia law, It would not be good, I am just concerned as I think we all should be, as I believe it to be a real threat to the US.


Formerly Beardy McGee
Interseting thought.. Could the whole proposal of this Muslim Community Center be a giant publicity stunt to enrage Muslim extremists back East? Our country's bottled up racism used as propoganda against us?

... Stir, stir..

Sharia Law can suck it...

It's probably even a US conspiracy too. The US is causing the American racism to spread and get back to the middle east for the purpose of enraging extremists. The US "intel" then releases reports of raised attack levels, and intercepted plans of attacks in America, thus requests for troops/money to attack extremist cells.. Popular demand from racist America says, 'hell yes, get er done.'

hahaha.. Thus is fun.


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
I am certainly not capable of predicting the future? the mosque in that particular location will represent a shift in power and supremacy over the US, my opinion right or wrong.

It has nothing to do with errecting a building ok, do you not seriously understand that as part of thier beliefs many muslims believe and feel they should be able to practice sharia law? in the US, thier law over our law, supremacy over the west.

I see it as one more building block to slowly gain control of our laws and to further thier quest to gain power over the US, ultimate goal being to transform our constitution and laws regardless if it takes them a hundred years, that is my honest belief, right or wrong.

Please help me to understand something, can we exist peacefully in this country if they do not refuse to practice sharia law in the US? should they be able to change our laws to fit thier beliefs?

you know many muslims out in BFE colorado?