I bought a house a couple years ago and with the house came a shop which I've very much enjoyed, but I'm tired of freezing my butt off in the winter. The building is 32' wide x 34' deep x ~24' tall, stick built, corrugated roofing and siding, with no insulation. Previous owners just used it as a storage building for their RV, boat, etc. so I guess not much need for insulation. I don't intend to live in the home for more than a couple more years, so I don't know that I want to put money into insulating as I'm not sure how much resell value it adds. Other than wearing more coats and toughening up, any advice on staying warm working in the winter months? I only work in about 1/3 of the shop space, I'm curious if anyone has experience/advice with electrical heaters that are either portable or stationary that can just keep the area I'm working warm-ish (read ~hoodie temps)? I do not have a gas line to the shop. Also, I'd like to avoid burning fuels seeing as how it's pretty well sealed and doesn't have a lot of ventilation/circulation. Any thoughts/advice would be appreciated.