Help needed with AF Canyon Service project: Thursday and Friday, Sept 27th-28th


Well-Known Member
We need some pre-work done before NPLD this year. If you are available to help, please post up:

Thursday, Sept 27th and Friday, Sept 28th. Meet at Dutchman Flats (point A on the Map). Look for the Forest Service truck and a big pile of logs. You're looking for Cheryl (young, skinny, energetic girl who is always smiling) and Gary (tall, skinny, brown hair, also always smiling).

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM


Transport 380 logs (8" in dia, 16' long) from Dutchman Flat (point A on the map) to Graveyard Flat (point B on the map) and stack them in piles. If you can't lift, we can still use you as a driver. If we don't finish the job, we can also begin at 10:00 am Friday morning to complete the task. We will NOT be dragging these poles as they will be used as fencing later on. If we can get it all done on Thursday, we won't need help on Friday.

We will need people who can:
- load the logs onto the trailers.
- Drive 4x4s pulling the trailers to the site

Equipment needed:
- long pants, boots, gloves
- 4WD vehicles that can pull trailers full of logs. If your truck has a ladder rack, even better!
- trailers that can carry the 16' logs. Regular ATV/Car trailers will work, but the bigger the tires the better.

Post up if you're available to help.

Thursday Volunteers:
blznnp - around 1 PM. Bringing a 14' trailer.
Kevin B. - 10 AM
193kyle - 10 AM

Friday Volunteers:
blznnp - w/14' trailer
TJDukit - w/14' trailer
doughboy0379 - afternoon
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Well-Known Member
how rough/narrow is it? i could help out thursday (have school till 12:50pm so I would leave taylorsville after that) and friday (have to be home by 5:30 or 6 on friday though). I can bring my trailer, it has a 14' deck so the logs would hang over a little bit front and rear. I think the width of the trailer is 96" and I would be pulling it with my f350 crew cab short bed, if that would work.


Well-Known Member

way to web advocate

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. :D

The FS asked me to put up a post asking for volunteers. I have to work Thurs and Friday, but I'll be there Friday night and Saturday for the quarterly training day and the NPLD. I want to meet you sometime Steve, are you coming to Utah anytime soon?


Well-Known Member
so I assume once I leave school, I can just go to Dutchman Flat and meet up with any volunteers. Is Dutchman Flat a parking lot or is it up the trails a little ways?


Well-Known Member
Dutchman flat is about 30 min up a dirt road. The forest service will be there with the logs. I've got a guy heading up on monday to see if it can handle a regular trailer. Ill keep you updated.
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Well with changing plans I'm not going to be able to make it on the 29th to either project but I just found out that I will have Friday off. So as long as they are still working on it on Friday I will be there.

I'll see if I can get that trailer I just turned into a flatbed for my friend, nice and lightweight with enough clearance I could drag it all the way up to forest lake if I needed to.

I should also be able to hang out long enough to get in one last trail run with you guys Friday night but I'll have to head home after.


Well-Known Member
Who's coordinating the logging operation on Thursday, and what size and approx weight are the logs?

Logs are approx 8" in Dia and 14' long. There are several of us coordinating the efforts on Thursday and Friday. Feel free to contact any of us:

Martin Sharp ( president of Lone Peak 4Wheelers. He will be driving the trail on Monday to check out how gnarly it is. The FS thinks it's pretty "technical", but they're not rock crawlers. :)
Cheryl Butler from the Forest Service - skinny young girl who always wears a huge smile and has tons of energy. Just look for the Forest Service truck and the pile of logs up there and she'll tell you just what she needs you to do.
Gary C from the Forest Service. Super nice guy. Probably about 6' tall, young as well. Both he and Cheryl Will be up there by the logs at Dutchman Flats.

I've got an atv trailer that could probably handle 16' logs, and a couple of towing options. Is this where they are going to be dropped off at?

Sweet. I'm guessing these logs will be pretty heavy, but any help is greatly appreciated. I'll need to get the exact coordinates, but it's pretty close to the spot you marked.
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Well-Known Member
Ok, I got some more details on this project.

Here's what we'd LOVE to have:

3-4 trailers
6+ guys to load/unload logs

Regarding the technicality of the trail, Marlin from Lone Peak 4wheelers just took a 14' ATV trailer up there with tiny tiers and did fine. THe Forest Service's definition of "technical" is slightly different than ours. :D In other words, any old trailer will work. Even if you don't have a trailer, but you can be there, they could use a few volunteers to help load the logs @ dutchman and unload them @ graveyard flats.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
I have a retarded little truck-bed trailer that is too short for 14 foot logs. If there's something else it can do, I'll bring it, otherwise it'll be just be me and a pair of gloves.


Well-Known Member
there are some 3' logs they need transported as well, but I don't think it's worth you hauling your trailer just for those. the most help they need right now is people who can load/unload the trailers.