Jealous UHP trooper = ticket 4 me

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well, maybe he should get a little. I mean clearly he's a victim here. Just think of all the things he wasn't doing wrong!


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Salt Lake City
What this really comes down to is "Probable Cause" They can and will pull you over for anything they want. I have really tried to make my truck as pull over proof as possible. I have yet to be challenged over the cage, but I'm sure they could find something about it. It's not worth it to me to have my truck scrutinized over something I could or should have done before I left the house.


What this really comes down to is "Probable Cause" They can and will pull you over for anything they want. I have really tried to make my truck as pull over proof as possible. I have yet to be challenged over the cage, but I'm sure they could find something about it. It's not worth it to me to have my truck scrutinized over something I could or should have done before I left the house.

Exactly......and this is why I run around with mud flaps on my little XJ all the time now. I'd rather not have them even think about pulling me over.


no user title
Fight it if you want to . . . but please, if you are going to fight it take one piece of advice:

NO one wants to hear a "woe is me" attitude. Especially a judge.

But what do I know . . .

He doesn't need ANY excuse to run your plate....You have plates so he CAN. Often if there is a cop behind you at a light, he will run your plate. Thats one reason they have laptops....Guess what I am glad he did. If you had a warrant, you obviously had not taken care of something you should have....Yep, just doing the job WE pay him to do!

but to pull me over and tell me something lame just cause i had a warrent! i mean come on just come out and tell me why you pulled me over and not say oh your turn was too wide! or my favorite "your license plates lights are not working" then when i get out to go look they are! i just wish they would say "look i ran your plate you have a warrent" cause that would be much easier.. plus the warrent was for a unpaid fine of 50 bucks....
Your a dipshit just for saying that. Put yourself in there shoes for ONE day. Doubt you could deal with it. :eek:
Reminds me of this thread.

yeah im a dipshit for saying that..... shouldn't they stay n the highway?? i have a officer friend that works for orem city and it pisses him off when he drives down a road and sees flashing lights in a residential area and comes to find out its uhp... not on a state road or highway... but thanks for pointing that out!


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many side roads are state roads and/or highways. for instance us 89....

also, LEO have universal jurisdiction in Utah--or at least they used to.
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Let's Roll For Justice
just a simple "really? What do I need to do to make sure they're legal?" Would have saved an epic load of guff.


It's just one term!
yeah im a dipshit for saying that..... shouldn't they stay n the highway?? i have a officer friend that works for orem city and it pisses him off when he drives down a road and sees flashing lights in a residential area and comes to find out its uhp... not on a state road or highway... but thanks for pointing that out!

Really? It pisses him off? I drive all day, every day in Orem (yea I know it's a little far from home:() and I totally respect the law if I'm in the city or on the highway. What the hell is the difference?
Does your officer friend that works for Orem city tell you that he thinks U.H.P. sucks?

Mead, WA
Quit whining... You're lucky he didn't impound your rig. Like others said, no sympathy here either... You should have reflectors on all four sides of your rig; red in the back and orange in the front. That is probably the main reason for him saying you weren't legal in the first place.

Local's have authority only in their local jurisdiction
Sheriff has authority to their entire county
HP has authority to any and all roads in the state
If you thought you were in the least bit bending the rules, it would stand to reason that you would want to be polite as possible. While the general consensus may seem a bit harsh to you, the bottom line is really this: accept the consequences of your actions and get over it.


Bucking Bronco

Any police officer in utah can issue a ticket anywhere in utah it does not matter what city or town they are in. the catch is if you chose to fight it the officer has to come the the city where the offense took place. and this applies for UHP also.
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