Lame Joke Thread

holy cow, these have me laughing so hard.

did you know helen keller had a tree house?

neither did she
four men walked into a bar, fifth one ducked

What did one wall say to the other? Meet you at the corner.
Man went into a pet shop. asked the owner to buy a wasp.
The owner said "we dont sell 'em"
The man said, "but theres one in the window!"

A guy walks into a bar carrying jumper cables. The bartender says to him, 'you can come in, but don't start anything!'

A man was in an elevator, and the operator kept calling him, 'son'. So the man said, 'why do you keep calling me son? You're not my father!' And the operator replied, 'I brought you up, didn't I?
A horse walks into a bar, the bartender says "Hey, why the long face?"

What do you call a dog with one eye and three legs? Lucky.