Lighten the mood

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
My wife often tells me her favorite thing is being told she is wrong by the person who came into this world from the portal between her legs, and who looks like me.
I love how it's my fault that the kids walk all over her but when I say jump they jump. I've tried to teach her Dad Voice but she just doesn't have it.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
My kids seem to listen to me more than my wife, but I think it's because if I threaten them with something, they know I'll do it even if it sucks for me. Nobody is more dedicated to and tolerant of personal suffering than I am lol.

In the prophetic words of the late, great, and tragically underappreciated Christopher Lee Rios

"My kids don't do as I do, they do as I say '
cause daddy don't play".

Really though, my kids do whatever they want. They're assholes, just like daddy.


Strength and Honor!
My wife has no conviction in her voice or crazy in her eye to back up her threats to the kids. They actually believe me when I do it.

She needs to dig deep and channel her inner 'Seth'. I've seen him absolutely loose his s**t when we were growing up!

She's probably afraid of what she's capable of and doesn't want to unleash it. 😄


Jeepless in Draper
Supporting Member
Draper, UT
My wife complains about the dogs whining all the time so she gives them treats to shut them up..:rofl:
They have trained her well.
She's been out of town for the last week... no treats given, no more whining.

My kids are out of the house now and every day they spend doing things on their own, the smarter they think I am.
I'm slowly getting to where if I see their caller ID on my phone I think "Dad, how do I... " and not "I crashed my car".
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Ant Anstead of Dirtbikes
Supporting Member
Yesterday we took the kids to the dentist.
The deal at my house is: no cavities= $10.
Each cavity= you pay me $10.
Wife says "oh just let him off." I'll die on this hill lol.
One kid is still crying today as we depart for the dentist for some fillings in 1/2hr...
He's now brushed his teeth 3 times in 18hrs...
💪 Let's see if his strategy works


Threat Level Midnight
My kids are in charge of mowing, trimming, and weeding the yard. It’s how I was raised from a father who milked cows at 4:30 every morning for free. In exchange, my grandparents helped him get into his first home. I’m underwriting the yard maintenance equipment, trailer, and truck for my teenage son to maintain other people’s landscapes for money. But he does ours as part of being in the family.