McCains VP choice pro-OHV


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
What would that fact really change in our everyday lives?

Hmm, thats the same thing I've been saying about the presidential election for years.

Candidates are just investments bought and sold their backers. Investors put their money in the one with the best odds, sometimes both. When they "win" the election, it's payback time.

Think I'm crazy, follow the money. Govertment/big business is a racket, just like the mob, but legal. Even I consistantly see it on a local level and it makes me ill.


Giver of bad advice
Just remember she does have foreign policy experience too. She has had talks with Russia, Japan and Canada, having even signed agreeements... She fought corruption in her party and earned her spot as gov. She has fought "big oil" even though her hubby works part time for BP, and put more money in the state coffers and in each residnets pocket. True, there is an investigation about a firing, but that will probably go in her favor. She blatantly upholds many of my values, has hobbies that reflect most of us in flyover country and is well spoken, clean and articulate and fresh. I'd say her experience in government is more relavent than O's and his "present" voting... In 24 hours we already know everything there is to know about her, but the same cannot be said for O...

Unlike most other politicians, she isn't "packaged for consumption". For once, we have what appears to be a REAL American, a real citizen of the people. Almost enough for me to finally get a political banner for my yard... Almost. Hey Sarah, wanna go wheeling?


Just doing my thing.
Hmm, thats the same thing I've been saying about the presidential election for years.

Candidates are just investments bought and sold their backers. Investors put their money in the one with the best odds, sometimes both. When they "win" the election, it's payback time.

Think I'm crazy, follow the money. Govertment/big business is a racket, just like the mob, but legal. Even I consistantly see it on a local level and it makes me ill.

Goat I understand what was meant by the term "bought and paid for".

The question was........ if that is the case, and it has been this way for years.........then what difference will it make for all of us (outside of the power)?

I get it. I also believe that there is a difference (especially between the money given to either side..... The Sierra club doesn't throw much money at the republicans).

Just take our 4 wheelin' as one example. Do you honestly believe that the people who may have purchased the Obama ticket.... respect the rights of wheelers the same as the people on the other side that support the Republicans?

The powers that control the white house do have the ability to change our lives. That's why so many millions get spent to sway our votes.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, it's just the reality in which we live.


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
Goat I understand what was meant by the term "bought and paid for".

The question was........ if that is the case, and it has been this way for years.........then what difference will it make for all of us (outside of the power)?

I get it. I also believe that there is a difference (especially between the money given to either side..... The Sierra club doesn't throw much money at the republicans).

Just take our 4 wheelin' as one example. Do you honestly believe that the people who may have purchased the Obama ticket.... respect the rights of wheelers the same as the people on the other side that support the Republicans?

The powers that control the white house do have the ability to change our lives. That's why so many millions get spent to sway our votes.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, it's just the reality in which we live.

I think for the most part, we are on the same page on this one. I'm just a bit more of a cynic:D

However, I would be unable to hold my nose, and cast a vote for any candidate for which the only reason to vote for, would be offroad access. When it comes time to slap leather, politicians as we know, will do a 180 and go back on any promises made during the campaign.

BLM land is a luxury for the west. I moved here from a state where it was strictly pay to play. No public land, whatsoever. It wasn't as bad as it sounds either. Pay to play will become a reality here, no matter who is in office.

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...and now for something completely different....


by the way, you're all being had....vice presidents are just bait for the undecided voters to get them to "join the team". They know they're being used, and so should you. If you already knew who you were voting for two weeks ago, the announcement of a VP didn't change your mind for a second. McCain and Obama could have chosen a dead bird and a shag carpet as their VPs, and most people wouldn't change their votes. VPs don't matter. Period. And another thing!!!! Anyone who goes for a presidential candidate based on who they choose as their VP is an idiot whose voter ID card is only good for one thing...jury duty. God help the accused.....


I disagree slightly Jenn. For the most part I think you are right, but a truly hideous VP could sway my vote away from that candidate on the off chance that the candidate could die of ass cancer or something.


no user title
Oh Steve you're just upset because she can out shoot out wheel and out fly you and most importantly according to KSL "McCain taps Alaska governor" Mcain got to her first.:D

According to Drudge, Dr. James Dobson (focus on the family), when told of Palin's place on the ticket said:

"I'd pull that lever"



no user title
No doubt about the fact that this arena she has just entered...... is the big time.

If she speaks well and represents herself well and holds her own against Biden in the debates...... she will go a long way toward establishing her own credibility with the American public. That is a must do for her, and for the GOP ticket to succeed..

It will be interesting to watch how this plays out.

I stand against Obama's madness also......... I hope she is prepared and ready to meet the challenge.

Palin brings what Bush brought to the debates: Low expectations.

If Biden beats up on her, he's an asshole and will be punished for being mean to her.

If Palin stays on par with Biden during the debates, she will be seen as having slain Goliath, and will be revered.


I vote for shag carpet

I agree in a sence that you should already know who your going to vote for before VP's are mentioned, especially as split is this country is but I would imagine there are some conservatives (besides me) out there that havent been excited about the direction the republican party has been going in in some time, during the primaries It seemed to me it was a race to see who could be the best socialist, and before that there were always some scum bag pervert being ousted, I was going to vote for the mavrick RINO just because of the Judicial nominies, Dont get me wrong hes a war Hero and I respect that but until lately hes been chummy with the Clintons and voting with the liberals.

-Sara is the shot in the arm that the Republicans need to bring the party back (Reagan style) maybe some of the fence sitting conservatives will make it to the lever.

First He impressed me with the Warren interview and now he has Chosen a VP that is of my abosolute mind-set. Shes Perfect on Domestic Issues, hopefully she will rub off on him. I wouldnt want him to die, but It would be great if they were elected He served the first four, while she got more experience in foriegn policy, and set her up for the next term. If Hilary was a Valid candidate I think Sara could spank her. did I just say spank?
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on the other thing, she is pro all of the things that people hate about the Bush administration. I think for a republican candidate, you're going to have to differentiate yourself as much as possible from Bush, because nobody will vote in anther president with similar ideals.

Nobody? I totally would, and i'm thinking the approximately 50% of the country that tends to vote conservative/Republican will too.

See, there's the problem with absolutes.


I was diggin' her a few weeks ago when the whole webpage thing broke. The whole thing was poo-pooed and dismissed, but I'm glad it was actually true.


Just doing my thing.
I believe the left is really becoming afraid of this lady......the more the public learns about her the more they can actually relate to her......can you say that about any of the other candidates?

She isn't perfect, but I like her better than anyone else in the race.

I give McCain credit for his decision on this.


Sandy, Ut
I'm liking what I read on her. Public lands are screwed under another demoratic office, regardless of whos the cheif and VP. Sad as it sounds thats enough to sway my vote. Health insurance, I pay my own as I always have. Taxes, suck to pay but a 10-30% difference in them really isn't going to be that noticed IMO. Global warming policy? Can we call it a global climate change policy as it relates to know cyclical heat changes?


no user title
I'm liking what I read on her. Public lands are screwed under another demoratic office, regardless of whos the cheif and VP. Sad as it sounds thats enough to sway my vote. Health insurance, I pay my own as I always have. Taxes, suck to pay but a 10-30% difference in them really isn't going to be that noticed IMO. Global warming policy? Can we call it a global climate change policy as it relates to know cyclical heat changes?

Global Warming? I couldn't care less.

The way I see it, if Global Warming is a problem, it's California/Florida/New York/etc . . .'s problem, not mine.

I live in Utah. It's their own damn fault they don't live at 4,500 feet!!!


Sandy, Ut
Global Warming? I couldn't care less.

The way I see it, if Global Warming is a problem, it's California/Florida/New York/etc . . .'s problem, not mine.

I live in Utah. It's their own damn fault they don't live at 4,500 feet!!!

Hence why I asked for the name change to Global Climate change, as some places on earth are getting colder. I'm not a big beleive in the whole scheme either :p


no user title
Hence why I asked for the name change to Global Climate change, as some places on earth are getting colder. I'm not a big beleive in the whole scheme either :p

You make an EXCELLENT point!
It's all about marketing, packaging and naming!

Global Warming, with its accompanying images of glacial melt, drowning polar bears, flooding cities, and (shiver) Algore, elicits a visceral emotional response from people. NO ONE wants those things, especially the latter.
The Global Warming campaign has led to millions of people ponying up cash, recycling, and walking more just to get Algore out of their lives.

Now, imagine if we changed it from the doom and gloom of "Global Warming" to:

Global Spring Breaking!
Replace melting glaciers with melting ice in a tall, frosty beverage, give the polar bears surf boards, start a global "Venice rocks" campaign to take the edge off the flooding cities, and replace Algore with a beautiful woman in a bikini.

Do that, and who the hell would care about STOPPING global warming any more?
Carbon credits would be replaced with carbon debits, where you pay people to pollute more.

It would be wonderful.