McCains VP choice pro-OHV


Registered User
Arm Utah
Yeah, I like her, but it would have been better if her 17 yo daughter wasn't knocked up. Can we say bad timing????


Sandy, Ut
...Now, imagine if we changed it from the doom and gloom of "Global Warming" to:

Global Spring Breaking!
Replace melting glaciers with melting ice in a tall, frosty beverage, give the polar bears surf boards, start a global "Venice rocks" campaign to take the edge off the flooding cities, and replace Algore with a beautiful woman in a bikini.


Mead, WA
I agree; I had my mind set for McCain long time ago. But from what I've learned about her, if she was running against McCain, I would have voted for her easily. And if I thought it was worth it, I would write her in :D

The VP doesn't sway my vote much, but it can really solidify whom I do vote for.


Active Member
Sandy, UT
This is the most puzzling pick I can recall for VP.

McCain is literally 1 heart beat away from handing over the reigns, albiet unvoluntarily to Palin, and you guys are down with this?

Which part of her experience convinces you of her readiness? Being a mayor of a 9000 person town? Being the president of the PTA? Being a runner-up beauty queen. Holy hell, this is madness!!


Wandering the desert
This is the most puzzling pick I can recall for VP.

McCain is literally 1 heart beat away from handing over the reigns, albiet unvoluntarily to Palin, and you guys are down with this?

Which part of her experience convinces you of her readiness? Being a mayor of a 9000 person town? Being the president of the PTA? Being a runner-up beauty queen. Holy hell, this is madness!!

None of that, but being Governer of a state that borders Russia and Canada, having to deal with environmental issues, and energy issues, standing up to her own party and cut through all the BS. She is the only one who has any executive experience at all. That I am very ok with.


Giver of bad advice
Curt, that is pretty much what I was gonna say. At least she has done more than Obama, and HE is seeking the top job... He really needs to answer the questions about Ayers and his real involvement with Rezco. I'm not a McCain fan, but at least we know everything about him. If we knew as much about O I might have given more thought to him.

I still prefer what Bob Barr and Ron Paul have to say, but they just aren't going to make it anytime soon.


Registered User
Arm Utah
Don't forget that she's taken on big oil also and could care less about good ol boys government. She's a doer and a looker. I'm with Wayne on this, I was always more aligned with McCain, and I think she brings a great twist to the ticket.

Also, why is everyone thinking McCain is going to check out as soon as he gets in office? Did your grandparents all kick off at 70? 3 of 4 of mine lived until their late 90s.


This is the most puzzling pick I can recall for VP.

McCain is literally 1 heart beat away from handing over the reigns, albiet unvoluntarily to Palin, and you guys are down with this?

Which part of her experience convinces you of her readiness? Being a mayor of a 9000 person town? Being the president of the PTA? Being a runner-up beauty queen. Holy hell, this is madness!!

What experience in my mind convinces me of her rediness?, The experience that she has not being Obama... We know more about Palin from her speech last night than we have learned about Obama in the last year and half. President George Bush has some serious low approval ratings, and hasnt been as great as I hoped, I voted for him both times and have been somewhat dissapointed, but holy cow imagine Al Gore, or Johnny, we would have been doomed. Its somewhat refreshing to have someone running who doesnt have enough Washington experience to yet be corrupt or owned by special interest.
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Nate Davidson
Meridian ID
It was good that she paraded her family and showed how down to earth she is, because like was said earlier, most folks will not take the time to learn more about her. I have been on the McCain ticket since he took on Michael Moore and I love that he has a temper instead of being goofy/dumb. Adding this gal is SUPER risky, but I think the Republicans will be okay. I have some strong concerns about her ability to be swayed by the same people that influenced Bush so negatively. If she can be as steadfast as she is presenting I am a supporter.


Giver of bad advice
They showed his 96 year old mother the other evening... Some months ago she lit into a reporterette and the reporterette was genuinely terrified. Mom is a tough bird in her own right.

Also, why is everyone thinking McCain is going to check out as soon as he gets in office? Did your grandparents all kick off at 70? 3 of 4 of mine lived until their late 90s.