Moab trail difficulty

Just after the crack sorta hidden.

cool, I'm pretty sure I went over it last time out ... hard left instead of a gentler left around it ... correct? Very flexy/passenger side endo as your passenger front tries to find some purchase after getting up on the first big boulder.

Does that sound like it?
Haven't heard of this one. Details?


Killer Kane 9 621571E 4262195N (UTM Nad 27) This trail deadends at 2.17 miles. This is an extremely dangerous trail , the worst in Moab, with obstacles off the charts that tilt you towards the canyon bottom 1,000 feet below (twice as high as Cliff Hanger). It as well is blocked a lot due to rock fall so it's best to scout out ahead. Places to turn around are few and far between. if you venture out on this trail you will cross Kane Creek just prior to one tenth of a mile. This Creek has quicksand that can swallow your rig as well as high water that is difficult to measure it's force. If the water is high, avoid this trail. Most folks don't wear seat belts on this trail because it isn't going to save you if you fall off and might keep you from bailing in the event you start going over. I walked it and it scared the bejesus out of me. Then again I hate heights....jumpout of perfectly good airplanes but hate heights.....go figure.

I forgot about killer kane ... would like to check it out next time out. Do you come back down the same way or can you hook back up with cliff hanger?
double whammy is way after the crack, after the golden stairs. It's about 3/4 between the crack and GBR. It's a hard right off of the obvious trail and is 2 large ledges that are not wrangler WB friendly. 100-104 is perfect. Anything shorter is really tough and for some reason 107 is bad too.

I got up the first ledge all the way left, then cut hard left and tried to climb up the wall and got in a really bad spot. I had to have Dan Mick pull me out of that one---needless to say my pride was fully swallowed that day.
My opinion.

1 - Pritchet: including Rocker Knocker, right side Yellow Hill, Rock Pile bypass. Driving Rock Pile = 5+

2 - Hells Revenge: all obstacles including Hell's Gate, Micky's Hot Tub and the Escalator

3 - Metal Masher: including Rock Chucker, Widowmaker and Mother-in-law Hill

4 - Behind the Rocks: including down High Dive, up Upchuck, down White Knuckle. Backwards with Hunter Canyon, up White Knuckle and High Dive = 5+

5 - Golden Spike: all obstacles but Double Whammy. Double Whammy = 5+

6 - Moab Rim: all obstacles including sand hill

7 - Poison Spider: all obstacles

8 - Steelbender: all obstacles

9 - Cliffhanger: hard lines

10 - Kane Creek: hard lines

That's my ranking, flame away.

I think you are spot on Dave. Would you put Flat Iron Mesa in there anywhere?
Dual rate them, all obstacles and the toughest bypass, if you can please. The reason is that sometimes we have poeple come with us and they are not fully locked but we still want to do trails with them. Plus our third TJ has open diffs that the kids or friends sometimes drive. I have done PSM once and a stock '92 Toyota pickup made it (not easily) taking the bypasses so I would rate it as 4+/3 but I also have my memory might be bad. Thanks.
cool, I'm pretty sure I went over it last time out ... hard left instead of a gentler left around it ... correct? Very flexy/passenger side endo as your passenger front tries to find some purchase after getting up on the first big boulder.

Does that sound like it?

Yeah, that's not it at all. I know what obstacle you're thinking of, that one doesn't have a name that I've ever heard. Google image search Double Whammy, it's unmistakable.
Double Whammy is easy with the line Herzog showed me a few years back. I've even spotted Wranglers up it without much trouble.
I forgot about killer kane ... would like to check it out next time out. Do you come back down the same way or can you hook back up with cliff hanger?

No you can' least not in a rig. You can hike to connect them though.
I drove about 1 mile up killer kane to the first large rock slide and hiked another half mile. It is passable with a good spotter and a change of shorts.
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cool, I'm pretty sure I went over it last time out ... hard left instead of a gentler left around it ... correct? Very flexy/passenger side endo as your passenger front tries to find some purchase after getting up on the first big boulder.

Does that sound like it?
I know the obstacle you mean, it's an optional fun little play area. There are also a few other fun little lines around that general area.:)

Anything shorter is really tough and for some reason 107 is bad too.
FYI...113 seems to work quite well most days, almost kind of a rolling bump.:ugh::rofl::rofl:
FYI...113 seems to work quite well most days, almost kind of a rolling bump.:ugh::rofl::rofl:

Ya for some reason I had a hard times getting my front tires on DW, but once they did I went right up. Herzog would just put right up it---but big wall on the left of the 2nd obstacle on Rusty Nail I would just blast right up and Herzog could never get it. Funny how a couple inches of WB can make so much difference.
Thanks for the list and input. Kind of fun to see that my mostly stock Montero Sport has survived 2 of those! Now the question becomes what others would I dare take it on....