My opinion.
1 - Pritchet: including Rocker Knocker, right side Yellow Hill, Rock Pile bypass. Driving Rock Pile = 5+
2 - Hells Revenge: all obstacles including Hell's Gate, Micky's Hot Tub and the Escalator
3 - Metal Masher: including Rock Chucker, Widowmaker and Mother-in-law Hill
4 - Behind the Rocks: including down High Dive, up Upchuck, down White Knuckle. Backwards with Hunter Canyon, up White Knuckle and High Dive = 5+
5 - Golden Spike: all obstacles but Double Whammy. Double Whammy = 5+
6 - Moab Rim: all obstacles including sand hill
7 - Poison Spider: all obstacles
8 - Steelbender: all obstacles
9 - Cliffhanger: hard lines
10 - Kane Creek: hard lines
That's my ranking, flame away.