"NEW"- 99 7.3L long bed crew cab manual - mbryson support vehicle


Smooth Gang Founding Member
I just read recently that Macs are just rebranded (and marked up like crazy) "Cargo Equipment" straps that are made and shipped out of Illinois.

Edit - I'll be damned, their online stores even look the same / use the same system
I saw that on FB too and there were comments in there from multiple people saying they love this (below) brand and consider it comparable to Mac's... and a good bit cheaper. I've loved my Mac's straps and so has Ryan. We've put a lot of "miles" on them and I could never go back to a strap without a snap hook. It's just one of those things. That's really my 2 cents as I don't have input about e-track and whatnot. Oh and Vulcan has a huge variety of tire straps/nets and different strap ends etc.



Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
For the E track, TJ Trailers on Pennsylvania Ave in Ogden is amazing They carry a few lengths and finishes at really reasonable prices. They also have a good sized variety of different cleats, rings and hooks. The staff is great to work with and very friendly, it's a family run and parts business that just feels good when you go in the store. I use them regularly for trailer and utility bed stuff at work.

TJ Trailers
(801) 627-0885


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
For the E track, TJ Trailers on Pennsylvania Ave in Ogden is amazing They carry a few lengths and finishes at really reasonable prices. They also have a good sized variety of different cleats, rings and hooks. The staff is great to work with and very friendly, it's a family run and parts business that just feels good when you go in the store. I use them regularly for trailer and utility bed stuff at work.

TJ Trailers
(801) 627-0885

I'd LOVE to work with someone local like that. Handy to be able to drive up there and have access to inventory.


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
Did I miss somewhere that you acquired a gooseneck trailer?

For E-track, I would run it just inboard of your average inside track width and use straps or chains to the axles. I haven’t had much luck strapping over the tires of crawlers. I’m never happy with how much movement I end up with.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Did I miss somewhere that you acquired a gooseneck trailer?

For E-track, I would run it just inboard of your average inside track width and use straps or chains to the axles. I haven’t had much luck strapping over the tires of crawlers. I’m never happy with how much movement I end up with.

I will be acquiring a gooseneck soon. Next weekendish.

I don't love the tire loops for my Buick when laterally secured (90* to the car). I'm fine with them when I'm having them pull at a 45* angle.

I thought this kind of thing would be the 🐈 ass?1734659016943.jpeg