planning noob run part 2

I've been thinking about making a regular video podcast. I've been doing it in my BMX community, and it has been a hit. I think the 4x4 community could use the same thing. It could cover different topics each week: introduce a vendor, teach about land use, teach about CB's, teach about land use, interviews, teach about cold winter camping, etc. I simply don't have the bandwidth to take this on, but if we had a group of 3 or 4 people who would volunteer to be on the RME podcast team, they could get the ball rolling.

This is a great idea. Like you, I'm starting to get pretty thin with my time, but I'd be happy to help any way I can. My production experience with podcasts is limited to Podcast Producer on OS X Server, so I wouldn't be much help there (unless we used that). But narration, presenting, scripting; I'd be happy to help with that stuff.
Here's my BMX podcast. It's nothing fancy, just a YouTube video. It's not on iTunes or anything like that, but people like being connected and knowing what's going on in the bmx scene.


If I had an extra 5 hours a week I'd be able to handle it, but at the moment, I'm pretty busy with BMX racing, BMX podcasts and video production, finishing my masters, working two jobs... you know the story.
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I will look into what the costs will be to have it done professionally but in the mean time the "you tube" sounds great if you guys can handle it.
No need to go professional, we just need a ringleader and some guys with time and cameras (nothing fancy, a digital cam is fine) who can edit it and upload their videos.
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Some great ideas for bigger/better Quarterly classes. I think we need to be careful of scope creep and stick to the core mission which is education.

Where do we go from here? I think it may be beneficial to meet again in person in the coming weeks, if nothing else to lay out the groundwork and get some face time opinions. From there lets get a date set and go from there.
yes. it's official. However, I want to be clear that this isn't an open invitation to all people interested in helping. This is for the planning team (you know who you are). I don't mean to be exclusive, we're still learning how to plan these, and too many cooks in the kitchen could easily kill this event.