Prison Break

Alright, I've had a lot of people PM'ing me asking when I'll get more up and I keep saying soon :( well...I finally have the next one up (114) and by the end of the day I should have 115, 116, 117, and 118 (118 is the show that shows on this coming Monday). So enjoy :D
So when does this show come back on again??? I have just finished watching the last one (22) and I'm just curious how long the wait is until the season starts again.
Good stuff!
Chris R.
kyojin said:
super are you going to post the other episodes? I haven't seen anything since episode 118. TIA.

yeah, I'll download 119, 120, 121, and the finale 122 and then put them up.
119 is finished uploading, I know it's smaller than the others but it's still good quality. Hopefully 120, 121, and 122 will be finished uploading in the morning.
Meat_ said:
I have all of the 700MB full rez HD Xvids if you need them Caleb
I've got them as well, but figured I started with the smallers ones so I'd continue to put up the smaller ones and I figured most people aren't going to want to download wice the file size to get the same thing on their computer (if they were putting them on discs it'd be a little different) :D

Thanks anyways though :cool:
alright, for anyone that wants it, the first episode of season 2 is being loaded right now. Good start to a new season :cool:
Okay, so I watched the first episode of season two. Do I need to go back and watch all of season one now? You've got them to download, Caleb?