Pritchett Canyon


New Member
I was in Moab on Pritchett and watched the Axle Hill so called bypass made. A jeep had a broken u joint on Axle Hill and was trying to fix it when the bypass happened. Not to start a fight, but one of the so called ambassadors of our sport was impatient, rude and didnt want to wait; so he and all his friends in their high dollar rigs went around and made the new so called bypass. It made me sick and I have lost all respect for this man. For someone who has been in the offroad industry as long as he has, he should know better.

I was there too. A ton of people were there. How can nobody have seen this?? That Jeep was stuck in the middle of Axle hill with no driveline. Then Walker Evans shows up with his buddies and waited for maybe 15 minutes. After the long wait, he decided that he could make through the boulders to the right of Axle hill. His buddies followed after. But maybe we should cut him some slack... If you have your own wheels, obviously you're allowed to be above the law.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I was there too. A ton of people were there. How can nobody have seen this?? That Jeep was stuck in the middle of Axle hill with no driveline. Then Walker Evans shows up with his buddies and waited for maybe 15 minutes. After the long wait, he decided that he could make through the boulders to the right of Axle hill. His buddies followed after. But maybe we should cut him some slack... If you have your own wheels, obviously you're allowed to be above the law.



Formerly Beardy McGee
The 'Walker Evans Sponsored-and-Paid-for Pritchett Canyon Cleanup and Repair Day' will be announced in the near future. :-\

Then Walker Evans shows up with his buddies and waited for maybe 15 minutes. After the long wait, he decided that he could make through the boulders to the right of Axle hill. His buddies followed after. But maybe we should cut him some slack... If you have your own wheels, obviously you're allowed to be above the law.
Maybe it's time for RME'rs to boycott Mr. Evan's products.


Poker of the Hornets Nest
I was there too. A ton of people were there. How can nobody have seen this?? That Jeep was stuck in the middle of Axle hill with no driveline. Then Walker Evans shows up with his buddies and waited for maybe 15 minutes. After the long wait, he decided that he could make through the boulders to the right of Axle hill. His buddies followed after. But maybe we should cut him some slack... If you have your own wheels, obviously you're allowed to be above the law.

Lucy.. you have some Splain'n to do!


Registered User
I was there too. A ton of people were there. How can nobody have seen this?? That Jeep was stuck in the middle of Axle hill with no driveline. Then Walker Evans shows up with his buddies and waited for maybe 15 minutes. After the long wait, he decided that he could make through the boulders to the right of Axle hill. His buddies followed after. But maybe we should cut him some slack... If you have your own wheels, obviously you're allowed to be above the law.

I took the pictures that are mentioned a couple of posts above. It was sickening to watch this happen. I don't know the trail incredibly well, but I knew that wasn't a bypass/obstacle. As I was taking the pictures, I kept thinking how this could bite the rest of us responsible trail users in the arse.

I think that Walker could have bypassed the busted Jeep easily to the left (although, it would have meant waiting around for a bit). Either way, this was a bad move and only going to hurt our sport.
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Mead, WA
I went from mad to sick. Why is it so hard for people to follow rules? Speeding, DUI, etc..etc..etc.. down the line. It's not just our sport, it's in our lives. People just have 0 ethics and morals anymore.

Pritchett is a new trail to me as I think the first time I ran it was Nov. 04? And it instantly became my favorite trail in Moab. This year I ran it 3 times. Last year for EJS 6 times. I'd really hate to see it shut down. I wish I was closer to help and run it more often :(

On that fence at Chewy, is it possible that someone may have used one of the posts as a winch anchor? or maybe a point to attach a snatch block?

Any thought to putting up battery operated video cameras? When they sense movement, they start recording. Put a disclaimer at the bottom of the trail stating it's a $2,000 fine for leaving the trail and they are being vide taped. If they don't agree, turn around. First fine would pay for the cameras. With technology the way it is anymore, you should be able to get something up there that's small, unnoticeable and fairly inexpensive. And to keep theifs at bay, put up two cameras in a way that both cameras can see each other and the osbtacle :D


Well-Known Member
I was looking at the possibility of using some Walker Evans wheels. I don't think that I will be using them. I also would like to recommend that if you cannot do the trail or you get to a point of failure, lick your wounds, and high tail it out. I am O for 2 on that trail. What can we, as responsible wheelers do to help or prevent this becoming closed?


unless it is done the the goverment and it is in the penal codes you could never enforce it. then there would be cort fees and tickets and all.
--EDIT--Education and setting a good example is the best way. Too bad we have people of influance not setting a good example

Mead, WA
unless it is done the the goverment and it is in the penal codes you could never enforce it. then there would be cort fees and tickets and all.
--EDIT--Education and setting a good example is the best way. Too bad we have people of influance not setting a good example

Isn't there already a penal code for going off the trail? Or a way that BLM is already issuing tickets to known offenders?


I was looking at the possibility of using some Walker Evans wheels. I don't think that I will be using them. I also would like to recommend that if you cannot do the trail or you get to a point of failure, lick your wounds, and high tail it out. I am O for 2 on that trail. What can we, as responsible wheelers do to help or prevent this becoming closed?


Might want to hold off judgment until this bears out.

Ther probably is but a cop can't issue a ticket unless he see it or anouther cop sees it. just like if you were to call in tghat some one is driving like an ass the cop can only issue a warning if the individual is driving sane when they find him.


I luv Pritchett
Thanks for the info, guys. I sent an email to Goodyear letting them know what a great "ambassador" Mr. Evans is to our sport...


Salt Lake
Might want to hold off judgment until this bears out.

I agree with this, but with multiple witnesses and possible pictures, it seems to be legit. If so, very disappointing. I hate to be the hard ass telling people what they should and shouldn't do, but in these types of instances I sometimes have a hard time keeping my mouth shut. Did no one speak up just because it was Walker Evans?

The 'Walker Evans Sponsored-and-Paid-for Pritchett Canyon Cleanup and Repair Day' will be announced in the near future.

I fully support this idea and believe that this is the only way he can save any face with me, pending Meat's advice.