This makes me sick, add to that sign in bold at the top, "DONT RUIN THIS FOR EVERYONE ELSE!!!
Below- "You will not drive the legal portion of the trail ahead without front and rear lockers, 35+ tires, expert driving and most likely a winch, regardless of how big your ego is. Any and every attempt less equiped than this (or too big headed) will damage the trail and create accessibility problems for jeeping in the area. Even if your vehicle has the minimum required you will most likely cause problems and damage to the trail without a winch and careful driving. Please continue only if you are very well equiped, capable, responsible, and willing to turn around at failure to drive the legal portion of the trail ahead. It is ok to turn around. Dont be a chump, this sign is not a challenge, it's a request. Please do not justify bad choices, or think that you are just one person or the exception to the rule. Do it for your friends, keep this and other trails open by being responsible."-or something like that I'm sure someone can say it better.
I think signs like this should be all over moab. Honestly I dont think many people realize the problems they are causing when they drive off trail, litter, or damage/remove signs.
Its time we educate the general public in the form of signs that are from the 4 wheelers addressed to the other 4 wheelers, rather than signs from land management that rev up the rebellious streak in far too many people. I'm willing to contribute time and money.
I deleted the stuff about chewy, I wanted that as a side note and not to over shadow my main point written above.