Project Toyota Tacoma Doublecab

Rear tire swingout/ tailgate finally finished. Will get more pics with tire on it when the paint is finished drying.


Do you have future plans involve the spring loaded pins in the top corners of the gate? I'd like to see some closer pics of your latch as well... Good work!:)
looks good and i like the way it has become the ultimate rig for you. I was wondering do you know how much this weighs with all the stuff on it?
My wife always asks me " there any vehicle out there that you could just be satisfied with forever?! :rolleyes:"

My reply: Yep--Lewis's double cab :greg:
Don't tempt my mind with the whole v8 thing. It does have the supercharger and 7th injector kit on it. However I still feel the need for more power.

The latch is nothing fancy. Its actually kind of a PITA. But it serves its purpose of keeping everything tight. Its just a shoulder bolt with a handle welded to it. The other side is a nylon lock nut welded to the mount. The spring loaded pull pins slide in a collar to keep everything tight up top. The whole tire mount is solid and I don't expect it to rattle or fall apart on the trail.






You have a way of making me drool all over myself don't you. :squint: that thing is beautiful. I see you extended your flares, and put flaps on, did you get hassled?
So the tire gate is made out of .090 wall tubing to help save on weight. I took the tailgate and hitch off which I think weigh about the same as the gate. However the tire adds quite a bit of weight.

The Rtt weighs in at around 100lbs plus the weight of one stick of .090 wall 1-1/2" tubing. As far as being top heavy, I don't really notice top heaviness but that could also be I have 2 axles near the ground that add alot of counter weight.
You have a way of making me drool all over myself don't you. :squint: that thing is beautiful. I see you extended your flares, and put flaps on, did you get hassled?

Haven't been hassled yet...;)
I had to put them on to go pass inspections this week. They are already off. They make my truck look ugly.