Project Toyota Tacoma Doublecab

Finally got my dies, well all except one. Got one slider welded up and welded on and got my trans skid plate done but still have to install it.

Slider tacked





I ordered the the 79' and newer flip from ruffstuffspecailties and drilled a 3/4" hole. Then I put it in the hole and swung it up into position. The hardest part was that the shock mount was in the way (which would have been quicker to cut it off and weld it back on) so I used pry bars to pry the ubolt open past the mount which bent the ubolt open which took 2 hours to squeeze it enough to fit it in the plate. To do this I ended up welding the C clamp to the ubolt. I also had to lift the truck up to get it past the springs. Here some pics of it primered and ready for some paint.


When I was putting the bolt in while finishing up tonight I saw that and thought, Did I just tack that and forget to weld it. Turns out it is welded on the inside and I forgot the outside of it. So I still need to finish welding it.
hahaha I'm just givin ya crap.. Hey just wonderin I may have missed it but what sizes of dimple dies did you get?
Finally have a driveline!
Gaylons made it up for me and I hope I measured right.
Ended up using a stock rear driveshaft using the stock tube. The yoke is a 1350 and had to change out the stock 1310 yoke on the dana 60 over to the 1350 yoke that I got at six states. Still need to cut off the stock trans mount. Also finished the drivers slider. Almost ready to take her for a test run.



I got rid of the abs light that is on since I got rid of the sensors that go to the axles. I pulled the abs plug on the passenger firewall and through a jumper wire to ground and it turned the light off with no other side effects.
Front bumper build begins.

Also replaced the old yoke on the 14 bolt because it began to leak due to the grooves in it. I should have replaced it when I built it because I ended up having to redo the crush sleeve. This was done becasue I overtightened the new yoke and put too much preload on the pinion bearing. So now I have a new yoke that takes the ubolts instead of the straps. I also got the front bump stops done and will post pics later.
