Quarterly Training Day - July 19-20 Teachers/Volunteers needed


Well-Known Member
We would like to get a variety of instructors for our next RME Quarterly Training Day. It will be held on July 19-20th up AF Canyon.

We are looking for people to teach a 30-60 min class on the following topics. Obviously we don't have time to teach every single topic, but I need to know who is available to teach what.

As always, we prefer real-life experience, hands-on demonstration, and practice-based instruction if at all possible. If you would like to teach a segment, post up the following info. You must be able to commit to the evening of July 19th and/or the morning of July 20th up AF Canyon. You're welcome to teach with a friend. We may be able to set up a projector and a screen, but we will be outdoors in a camping setting in the dirt, so plan on that atmosphere.

If we can get any vendors who are interested in pitching in some product we could have a raffle that would be awesome.

You don't have to be an absolute expert on the topic, but of course we'd love to hear from the experts. There are a few that I want to make sure are done right, (winching/recovery), so post your experience level too.

If you'd like to teach, please post up with the following info:

Days Available to teach:
How much time you'd like to spend:
Resources needed:
Your experience level with the topic: (novice, intermediate, advanced)
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Well-Known Member
Here are some potential topics we would like to focus on. You'll have the flexibility to make it your own, but here are some guiding suggestions:

Basic Recovery:

- proper line choice (difference between a snatch strap and a tow strap and when to use each)
- how to do it safely
- how to use a hi-lift as a winch
- hi-lift safety
- correct points on a rig to attach recovery straps to in order to properly extract it
- What to do in the event of a rollover (since we're on FS land we won't be actually flipping a rig over)
- What to look for/do after the vehicle is rubber side down?
-Hydro Locked cylinders? How to fix?
-Spill Clean up

Winch Recovery
- some theory mixed with some actual winching (we won't be righting a vehicle, we want to keep all fluids off the trail since this is a National Forest)

Traiside Repairs
- what equipment/tools to pack in your rig and how you pack it.
- how to pack your rig on the trail (Xtreme 4x4 had an episode a while back on how to back minimalistic but still cover most trail fixes you might encounter.)
- demo: How to change a tire on and off a rim/with of course seating the bead after. (air compressors/CO2/ether)
- demo: impromptu fixes for the following: broken brake line, busted u-joint, popped tire, demo the use of a tire plug, etc.

- hold a cooking contest (pie iron, dutch oven, chili, whatever)
- What to pack for overnight or multi-overnight trips
- sleeping quarters display: People displaying different sleeping arrangements - trailer, rtt, pop-up, gruond tent, under the stars, ultralight, etc)
- camping clothing for different seasons

Technical Talk
- setting up gears
- hands-on differential and how different lockers work
- t-case teardown
- vendor-specific equipment specs/tech

- Orientation course. How to orient a map. How to use a compass. How to read a map. Where to find maps. Treasure hunt with a map.
- GPS - how to use, what models to buy, small treasure hunt using a GPS.

Trip Report Writing/Photography
- Elements of a good trip report: How to write, what to write, etc.
- Feature 3 or 4 trips people have taken recently and let them share their trip with the group (best done at night around a campfire, projector available if needed)

Other: post up a topic you'd like to teach.

- Food (hot dogs, sandwiches, breakfast, whatever)
- raffle items

Trail Leaders Needed
Trail leaders needed for the 20th. We will have everyone break into 4 groups for trail rides (listed easiest to hardest). Post up if you can lead or tail gun a particular trail.

- pole line pass to midway - 1.5/5 (graded dirt road, 4x4 not necessary)
- mary ellen gulch - 2.5/5 (4-lo required, careful driving and caution required)
- forest lake - 3/5 (32's recommended, rock sliders recommended)
- mineral basin - 3.5/5 (most difficult, 33's recommended, rock sliders/skids highly recommended)
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Well-Known Member
There will be other topics as well, but I already have instructors for them. This is not the official thread about the QTD, this is just for us to volunteer and plan.


Well-Known Member
this is not the RSVP thread, this is the volunteer thread. If you'd like to volunteer, post up here.

Moody, maybe I'll lean on you to teach some of the camping gear discussion.


Still plays with cars
Lehi, UT
bump, anyone willing to teach short segments on any of these topics?

I know you don't want to be teaching everything, but I personally don't feel very qualified to teach anybody about most of the topics listed above. My best bet--if you think I would be a good choice--is to talk about trip report writing/photography. Based on threads I have posted here, do you think I could do a satisfactory job? If so, I am willing to give it a shot.

My second option--though I would need to do some extra research if you want me to be highly technical--would be to discuss various lockers and how they work (as well as locking diffs in general). I already explain the concept frequently at work, so this wouldn't be too big of a stretch for me.

What do you think, Steve?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for volunteering Dempsey! I think you could be great at either of them, but the lockers one would be most helpful. Do you feel comfortable talking about the various types of lockers and how they work? We don't need super in-depth explanations of everything. Maybe just 15 min overview of the different types of lockers: open diff, limited slip, ratcheting, selectable (air & electric) and spool/welded. Maybe talk about the pros and cons of each, average costs, and what is required to run them. You could do a powerpoint with lots of pictures if you'd like, or you could do it without an electronic presentation.

Also, we would like to have 3 or 4 feature trip reports to highlight. Would you like to share one of yours?


Still plays with cars
Lehi, UT
Well, I have never been a powerpoint sort of guy. Perhaps I could print up something in advance and hand out paper copies, but other than that it would probably just be me talking.

Are you serious about having a projector screen up there?


Well-Known Member
yeah, I'm serious about a projector screen. Pictures are always better than words. But if you're not comfortable with powerpoint, that's fine. in fact, I could put the presentation together for you if you want.

when I say "powerpoint presentation" I mean a couple pictures to show for each type of locker. I'm thinking 4 or 5 slides max. We definitely do not want "death by powerpoint."
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Still plays with cars
Lehi, UT
Also, we would like to have 3 or 4 feature trip reports to highlight. Would you like to share one of yours?

I am perfectly fine with that. Anything I have to share will be found in the Trip Reports subforum, so feel free to search there for threads I have started if you want to pick one.

Pictures are always better than words.

I agree.

when I say "powerpoint presentation" I mean a couple pictures to show for each type of locker. I'm thinking 4 or 5 slides max. We definitely do not want "death by powerpoint."

Okay, gotcha.