Random picture thread

You got a full story for us? Seems to me that your skidmarks start on the other side of the road.
I was passing. Creepy old Indian man turned into me as I came even with his rear bumper. He hit the front corner of my truck and right steer tire. That bent the tie rod a bunch, like toe out 12" (the tie rod is behind the axle). Creepy old Indian man doesn't have a car anymore, but he does have his life still.
Man that's beautiful!
It was a gorgeous day in the central Ut mountains yesterday!

Made me feel soooo grateful for a long list of things; open roads through our amazing public lands, , the forests, the mountains, the amazing vehicles we have to modify and roam in, mud tires, trail snacks, my wonderful wife who loves to drive her Jeep, and most of all the good friends that invited us to go explore some new areas! Very grateful for all this and much more!

Excuse my cheesiness; here's a random pic to make up for it:

Do they put skis on the front? do they just want to sink all the time?

I've even been able to sink the SXS but of course it's pretty light and easy to get unstuck and I don't have any proof.

Skis on the front. It does well on relatively hard snow, but not powder or soft snow. A large blizzard had dumped a couple feet of snow about a week earlier and the large drifts were the real challenge. We spent about 48 hours doing what was originally planned to take 8.
And then got hit with another blizzard (70+ mph winds, several feet of new snow, temps -15 to -35) while in our tents on the tundra.
Memorable week!
Racking my brain to figure out what’s at that elevation and would serve that purpose… only one guess comes to mind.