Rattlesnake/Constrictor... Lets make plans...

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jp008 said:
From the kearns area head South on I-15 until you reach the 2nd Lehi exit (where the roller mills are located). Head West. At the crossroads where Smith's and Cheveron are located keep heading West approximately 20 miles. You will reach the main 5 Mile Pass parking lot. From the main lot head west another 3 miles, you will see a small parking area with a wooden kiosk sign and hopefully a bunch of rigs.

See ya there.

Man, I opened my mouth one day too soon again. I've been "told" by the wife I am going to a baby blessing in Brigham City Sunday. Hopefully I can make the next meet. Thanks Anyway



Registered User
South Jordan, UT
cruiseroutfit said:
Didn't you sue the last kids that called you on that? (the Bryants)

Dude, Cruiseroutfit Man.


Ok let me intro myself. I am Russell Phillips; yes Mike (Tweeky) and Steve (BigBlackXY)'s Bro. Sorry is that offends anyone, but get over it. You are out of line, man it was just his idea no need to verbally assault him. Was it the best idea in the whole world, no? I will agree with you a permanent winch anchor will be the best idea. That way it is always there and it will save the tree.

Your whole thread was on a group clean up of rattlesnake and constrictor. You are verbally assaulting members of the group. Do you really think that this it going to help organize and bring more people out to help clean up the trail? Where is your logic? Maybe you are just such a stud and can keep the trails clean all by yourself. You have known this trail for years. I don’t know you I have never meet you, but I tend to think you cannot keep up with all of the stupid people throwing trash and taking a crap on the trail. I could be wrong, and I am sure you will correct me in the nicest way possible. I have been out to several 5mp cleanups. I do my part. My brothers do their part too. So I guess it would be best if everyone that did not have the best idea to sell their rig and buy a bicycle and never help on a trail clean up. Sounds like a great idea, this will keep our trails clean.

Do you really need to throw all this crap at him because he did not have the best idea? Are you so superior that you always have the best idea? If you ever did not have the best idea where you ripped on like you have just ripped on my brother. His heart was in the right place, he wanted to do the best for the trail and respect the environment. It is not as if he said he wanted trash the place.

I do not claim I am the be all know all badass wheeler. In fact I am just a moderate wheeler who enjoys getting out on the trail and wheeling, as do my brothers. Whoever said that we live our lives through others must not know us. If you would like our help to clean up to trail let us know the time and the date. We may not be as extreme of a wheeler as you but we are plenty capable of cleaning up a trail if you would like the help.

Hope we all can chill out and relax just a little bit and get back to wheeling.

Feel free to flame me all you want.

Russ Phillips


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
Verbal assault? You guys crack me up. Isn't "Goin4xn" one of the Phillips brothers too? Your brother started with the attitude, let him deal with the trouble it brings. :rolleyes:


Suddenly Enthusiastic
Well said, Russ, and welcome to RME. :ugh: Everyone here has the same goal in mind. We all want this trail to be preserved, kept clean, and kept open. We're all fighting towards the same goals, albeit with different methods. We'll get a lot more done if we work together, rather than bitching about who's right about some crap. We all think the tree can not be used much longer, and another solution needs to be found. BBXJ had an idea about this, and was clearly out-voted. It's time to let it go.


Sandy, Ut
redrockrover said:
Dude, Cruiseroutfit Man.


No thanks...

...You are out of line, man it was just his idea no need to verbally assault him. Was it the best idea in the whole world, no?

Do some research... aka reading.. your brother started the "verbal assault" by coming to my thread and calling my freind a lier... You (and your father) should do some research... hahaha (that was a joke regarding the roads in Big Cottonwood Canyon that he said havn't been passable for 50 years..)

Big Black XJ said:
Don't believe a word this kid says. Totally lied to my brother about some gears just to make a quick buck. Loser!

Doesn't that sound like a verbal assualt... "loser" that is pretty harsh in my eyes...

I will agree with you a permanent winch anchor will be the best idea. That way it is always there and it will save the tree.

This thread is and always has been about cleaning up...

Do you really need to throw all this crap at him because he did not have the best idea? Are you so superior that you always have the best idea?

Never said I had the best idea, nor did I say I wasn't open to new ideas, nor did I say I was going to install any anchor...

Crap at him? Remind yourself who started the personal attack at CHAD... not me...

I think your brother owes CHAD a apology for calling him a loser...


Sandy, Ut
WTF? No answers...

I know both you Phillips have been on this thread since I asked my questions initially... why not answer them?

Still researchin.. . :rofl:


Sandy, Ut
redrockrover said:
What is your question?


I asked...

Doesn't that sound like a verbal assualt?


Why are you falliciously saying that I started the "verbal assault"?


Where did you read that I had mentioned my "method" of winch point, let alone stated that is was "the correct" way?


Why isn't your brother here to defend (represent) himself and apologize to CHAD? I know as soon as CHAD log's in he will represent himself...


Registered User
South Jordan, UT
cruiseroutfit said:
I asked...

Doesn't that sound like a verbal assualt?

Ya it does, but nothing like you or chad and others assualted him.


Why are you falliciously saying that I started the "verbal assault"?

Because you went off on him.


Where did you read that I had mentioned my "method" of winch point, let alone stated that is was "the correct" way?

Where did I state I read that?


Why isn't your brother here to defend (represent) himself and apologize to CHAD? I know as soon as CHAD log's in he will represent himself...

He is at work. Not logged in.

All I am trying to say is if we want to clean up the trail then lets not Alienate any group members by bitching. If you forgot we are all on the same team.

What is up with my dad and the roads in cottonwood canyon, suing the bryants and all this crap lets try ti keep this wheel related and clean the trail.



Registered User

What time will we be going out????????????? By the way I started the permanent anchor Idea. As far as the rest of the B.S. that has been going on on these three threads, CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace Out, Blaze


Resident Thread Killer
richpblaze said:
What time will we be going out????????????? By the way I started the permanent anchor Idea. As far as the rest of the B.S. that has been going on on these three threads, CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace Out, Blaze

I believe the consensus was for 9am sunday morning. Bring good boots, gloves, garbage bags,

and a baseball bat... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Sandy, Ut
redrockrover said:
...lets try ti keep this wheel related and clean the trail.


Good point and I agree... I hope people relize the humor in my posts, though I know I come across as an ass sometimes...

Sunday, Rattlesnake and Constrictor... be there if you can... come to the next one if you can't... nuff said... :D


Sandy, Ut
richpblaze said:
...CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace Out, Blaze

No... ;)

Lets focus all this energy (both negative and positive) on the trail... bring your glove (not boxing gloves) and lets "pic' up sum chit"...

Once again, sorry for getting so off-tangent...

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut

Russ I respect the way you have approached this.

but your brothers have away of coming across................how shall I say this.......as dicks.

they come into things without knowing facts and then argue pointless crap(yes we all do this sometimes ;) )

but your brother did start the name calling.

I get tired of this gang up because we are brothers crap. If your brother is wrong tell him.

Russ I look forward to meeting you on sunday..............but your brother I just don't know :-\
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