Rhino Rally

Feel like I just got run over by Cheatons crawler hauler. Just got done racing the Rhino Rally. Man, that was the hardest thing I've ever done. Not sure how we placed but Stratton and I both finished. Not bad injuries but my new outfit took a beating when I went down in a river bed going 35 mph. Grateful for my full armor and helmet. Getting poked in the palm by a cactus in the first mile is not fun for the next 54 miles. Glad we did it though and good to hang out and see a bunch of good people.

Awesome! I swear I'm going to run a desert race this year.

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Congrats on a good ride. Did you ever figure out where you finished?

I watched some of my GoPro, I'll have to make an edit so people can see the fun they missed.
Unofficial results but my wife thinks I was 8th in my division. I happy with that considering our goal was to finish. And I'm very happy with my bike after the beating I gave it.
Hardly slept a minut last night even with how worn out I was. Either my carpel tunnel was in full swing or that cactus really did a number to me. Usually with the carpel tunnel both arms will fall asleep and tingle which wakes you up. But last night it was only my left and worse than ever. I've been trying to find a picture of the plant that poked me so I can look it up and see if its something poisonous I need to worry about. It was bad enough that I sat up almost all night propped against pillows so I could have as much blood flow to my arm as possible to limit the tingling. That didn't even really help.

On a side note, I think I sprained my right wrist.
I am not aware of any of the cactus being poisonous. My bet would be that your body is reacting to the beating you put on it yesterday. You may not have initially noticed it but you may have hit just right on that side of your body when you crashed and when you quit moving everything tightened up.

Isn't the pain after a race so rewarding.
Ya, it's rewarding and I'm not trying to complain. My crash was on the right side of my body. And it's my left arm falling asleep. I'm sure it is from the race. Just wish I could have slept last night. I deserved it. Ha.
Luke got 4th in our division.
I had an issue with my handgaurd pinning my aluminum bearing throttle tube stuck twice. I had to stop both times and beat the guard with a rock. I also had to stop and add gas from my gatorade bottle once and at the pit once. Other than that I felt like I did well. I dumped the bike a few times but I never fell over. It was super super hard. Easily the most physically and mentally demanding thing I've ever done.
I hit a wall at about 25 miles with a leg cramp, but I pushed through it and it went away.
Luke got 4th in our division.
I had an issue with my handgaurd pinning my aluminum bearing throttle tube stuck twice. I had to stop both times and beat the guard with a rock. I also had to stop and add gas from my gatorade bottle once and at the pit once. Other than that I felt like I did well. I dumped the bike a few times but I never fell over. It was super super hard. Easily the most physically and mentally demanding thing I've ever done.
I hit a wall at about 25 miles with a leg cramp, but I pushed through it and it went away.

Are you liking the new bike??
Luke got 4th in our division.
I had an issue with my handgaurd pinning my aluminum bearing throttle tube stuck twice. I had to stop both times and beat the guard with a rock. I also had to stop and add gas from my gatorade bottle once and at the pit once. Other than that I felt like I did well. I dumped the bike a few times but I never fell over. It was super super hard. Easily the most physically and mentally demanding thing I've ever done.
I hit a wall at about 25 miles with a leg cramp, but I pushed through it and it went away.

Sounds like a great time, glad I didn't try to race though! I'd have been like your old bike at the last race... DEAD!
This is a cool picture in the St. George News of the expert start. I am the 3rd bike on the left in blue and green gear. I went through the banner in 3rd place, and lost a couple places when we dropped into the wash. I had a good battle with a guy for the entire first loop as we swapped position for 5th overall 3 or 4 times. I at one point gapped him and was closing in on the guy in 4th overall but he did not stop at the gas check for fuel. While I was getting fuel, the guy I was battling with passed by me putting me back into 6th overall. I finished out the race there in 6th overall and 1st in my class.

Luke got 4th in our division.
I had an issue with my handgaurd pinning my aluminum bearing throttle tube stuck twice. I had to stop both times and beat the guard with a rock. I also had to stop and add gas from my gatorade bottle once and at the pit once. Other than that I felt like I did well. I dumped the bike a few times but I never fell over. It was super super hard. Easily the most physically and mentally demanding thing I've ever done.
I hit a wall at about 25 miles with a leg cramp, but I pushed through it and it went away.

I had the same thing happen with my hand guard on a trail once. I had the Acerbis ones, same design as the Tusk ones...that's why I won't ever run that style again. Could have been bad news having your throttle get stuck open and having a nice cliff on one side of the trail.
It would have been bad if it pinned open, and it probably wasted 20 minutes cumulative. The throttle thing wouldn't have been an issue if I had a traditional throttle tube, this aluminum one has a very small opening at the end and we couldn't install it exactly as it should have been. I'll just cut end off and it will work perfect.
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My race experience was different, only got to race 50 miles of the 75, I crashed 5 minutes into my race, then at 40 miles spent about an hour and a half with an injured rider, waiting for the helicopter to come get him out...a DNF for me. Every race is an different and interesting experience.