Sage Riders Enduro


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Coming up quickly is the Sage Riders Enduro on 9/20/14. It will be a fun race even for the beginner. We are doing a modified reliability enduro that does not put you in a real time crunch and you do not have to focus on a clock. I have heard rumors that Vonski is going to ride it. Greg, this would be a great race for you to try in a great place to ride.


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Hmmm.... wonder how the 250 would do. It's currently setup for trail riding with a trails tire in the back and geared down pretty good. And I'm not in very good shape, as usual.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Sam Just signed up & Vonski is doing it tonight or tomorrow. The peer pressure is on Greg.....and you could sign up and request to ride with Tyson & Stratton if they are requesting to ride together.


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
OK, I'm going to try make this happen.... 3 weeks to get into decent shape, get the bike ready and put in some fast riding hours? Sounds like a challenge!


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
OK, I'm going to try make this happen.... 3 weeks to get into decent shape, get the bike ready and put in some fast riding hours? Sounds like a challenge!

Get into shape?????? You should see what this summer off resting my shoulder has done to my fitness. Just come out and have fun It is nothing more than a 60 mile trail ride with a few sprints mixed in.


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Get into shape?????? You should see what this summer off resting my shoulder has done to my fitness. Just come out and have fun It is nothing more than a 60 mile trail ride with a few sprints mixed in.

Hey, I need an excuse to kinda get fit... I've been lazy for way too long. And I don't have an injury to blame it on... :rofl:


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Sam Just signed up & Vonski is doing it tonight or tomorrow. The peer pressure is on Greg.....and you could sign up and request to ride with Tyson & Stratton if they are requesting to ride together.

So you can request the group of guys that you start with? I don't know that I want to be embarrassed by all the seasoned RME racers... :rofl:


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
So you can request the group of guys that you start with? I don't know that I want to be embarrassed by all the seasoned RME racers... :rofl:

There is a line in the sign up to request to ride with a friend. It is not guaranteed that you will but it most likely would not be a problem.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
One more thing on the ride with a buddy. You want to only request people in the skill level you are racing, so a line with Tyson, Stratton and you would be good since you would be starting on the C line. Get one more person and you would have a full line.


Orem, Utah
You guys will have to add me. I'm already registered and I don't think anybody was put on my line. My wife did it while we were driving and probably skipped it cause service was shotty.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Vaughan, Sam & Tyson are confirmed........ It's time for Greg to succumb to peer pressure. Tyson, you can also email sageriders at and ask to have riders put together. Make sure you include complete name and class.


Orem, Utah
I'm going to say no. We had a race in a Mesquite. They've never checked my registration. But they do check for a spark arrestor every race.