Saturday up 5 mile


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
chadschoon said:
hey i dont stack rocks or ruin the trails. i would like this sport to stay around forever. i agree on what is happening, i just dont agree on your comment on DD. I and alot of other guys wheel the shiz out of there DD. mine wont be a DD when i can get a truck. ;)
I am willing to bet that you have more free money for wheeling than I do. Your statement is lame and only shows your naivete.

Mead, WA
Where on CON have they made it easier? I haven't been around these parts for a long time, so I was just introduced to RS/CON last fall. But I can't see where they could stack rocks to make CON any easier?

Up until recently, that bypass at the beginnning, I didn't know was a bypass. I thought it was part of the trail with the wash being someones thrill ride. After learning it was part of the trail, I quite taking the bypass. Unless you know the trail, and have been running it for years, how do you know what's part of the trail and what is a bypass?

I'm fairly new to krawling, but I'm not new to off roading. I've been running off road in 4x4's, dune buggies, etc. for most of my life. I can thank my race car driving dad for that one! :) But I don't like stacked rocks. Bobdog, Weelit, and others can attest to that. All it does is cause body damage, IMO, and I (and Bobdog) can show you where we have both recieved body damage on Waynes World from stacked rocks. The only time I have stacked rocks was when I or someone needed that extra 2-6" to get their diffs over a rock, or similar. I've never paved a trail, though. That in my opinion means you, and/or your rig, aren't capable of being there.

The last time I went down to Moab, a friend brought his 96 XJ with only a 3.5" standard lift and a Tomken front bumper for tow points. The only time needed a strap was on the entrance, rocker knocker, rock pile and the exit. I know, all of the difficult sections! :) But his problem was the lack of lockers and 30" all terrain tires. But not once did we stack any rocks.


Registered User
Taylorsville, Ut
thank you Wayne, that is exactly what my post was saying. I am not going to make it too easy, sometimes you just need that extra bit of clearance to make it through without breaking and ruining yours and everybody elses time on the trail. I have done Rattlesnake when I still had an IFS, true I had ARB in it, but it was still challenging enough on 32's, frame sitting way low to the ground. each time I have made it, if I got stuck I either used my buddy's strap or just used hi lift to get me out of jam. I remember time when you could cross that waterfall (that is what I call it) on Rattlesnake, nowadays you need 35 or larger tire to clear it. Personally there will never be agreement on this, there will be always someone else with different opinion, and that is ok, this world would suck even more if we all think alike. And yes I am not planning to attempt Con untill my truck has lockers in it and few other mods. Like I said all it takes is knowing your limit, and sometimes rigs that surprise you the most are the ones driven by the driver well aware of his situation and what his rig can do. As for whoever posted about running rocks down on the road, that don't make it any better than stacking rocks, one thing leads to another. Also I don't give a damn whatever you do, one way or the other


Sandy, Ut
I'm not going to get into a heated argument on the way Constrictor should be developed (however, I think I have alot of opinion about is intent, history, and being)... I will say this.

Utah has thousands of miles of "33 inch tire terrain"... Northern Utah (majority of this board) has even a higher concentration of this type of terrain. I see no reason why a few select trails can't be left in a "harder" state of nature.

Constrictor has been literally raped, I feel like my own blood has been destroyed when I go out there these days. For that reason, it has been months since I was out there, and I don't forsee myseld there in the future, albeit a trail cleanup or organized run.

Now onto the "I didn't know it was a bypass" comments... That is undoubtedly our sports biggest problem, and it has proven to be our demise on public lands over the past 20 years too. I wish there was a way to solve this problem, but without lots of time & money (which we as 4Wheelers don't have) there is little we can do to educate the general 4x4 public.

Honestly, I thought the signs would prove helpful, and I would like to think they are... but after walking the entire length of the trail the last time I was out there.. I could easily be convinced otherwise.

Shawn mentioned future trails, this it true, their "could" be future trails negotiated in the area. At this time the Con/RS areas are closed to cross-country travel, there is only a small portion of cross-country travel area out there (the OHV parking area is the largest). But, through the proper channels, trails like Con "could" be developed. I don't forsee that happening until we can respect the ones we have.

Now sitting here on RME is really preaching to the choir, most of us (I hope) are very 4x4-trail-ethic-educated, though we could all use some freindly (or sometimes harsh) reminders. The big problem it those that we don't easily network, all those that don't follow RME, arn't members of clubs, etc.

How can you help?

GET INVOLVED IN YOUR LOCAL CLUB. Clubs are fundemental to education, unfortunetly only ~1% of 4x4 enthusists are club members, really sad when you think about it.



[/rant off]


Registered User
West Jordan UT.

I will do my part to maintain the trails, and educate the NEWBIES to unstack the F'IN ROCKS as I alway pick up the F'IN TRASH that gets left on the trail as well :eek:

END OF RANT :cool:


Smooth Gang Founding Member
i was introduced to r/s and con much later than most of the hardcore rme homies. the first time i ran it was like march of last year, but i have made many trips back since then. i must say that r/s has become a nice, smooth sunday drive (not like it was super hard anyway) but the changes to con are what really piss me off. just like kurt said, there are all kinds of places to go with 33" tires and no lockers!
don't piss in our pool (i am not at all saying r/s or con belong to me)


Registered User
Draper, ut

I also hate when people stack rocks i also got some body damage on waynes world just because of the rocks at the bottom if you need to stack rocks just to get up waynes world just go around thats just an optional obstical i did con for the first time two weeks ago and i only have 33 inch tires and i didn't stack a single rock and i made it through just fine no damage to me tires and vehicle size don't matter it's the driver a good driver with 33 inch tires and no lockers could make it up con better than a bad driver and 37 locked all around so you should know what you can do and don't try harder trails


Well-Known Member
I have to say the same thing wayne did. the first time ive been up con/r.s was the first of this year. it was with wayne. i hate to stack rocks and ruin trails. if you have to stack rocks you shouldent be doing it and thats all im trying to say!!!

Mead, WA
I agree... I saw a stock Samurai with bald tires go up to the water fall on CON and he didn't stack any rocks.... I would still call skill level intermediate at best. My built rig takes me the places I want to go, and some that I wish I hadn't! :eek:


CON's gonna be sweet this weekend!! I fixed the hole in my radiator (good ol' JB WELD) and tightened some bolts here and there. I'm gonna try and rotate my front spring today so it doesn't bow out so much. Wayne. I'm itchin' for some tires so I'll take a look at your tires this weekend and then take a look at my dinero supply and see what i can come up with. how soon could you get some shocks here??


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
cruiseroutfit said:
Constrictor has been literally raped, I feel like my own blood has been destroyed when I go out there these days. For that reason, it has been months since I was out there, and I don't forsee myseld there in the future, albeit a trail cleanup or organized run.

[/rant off]

I am really PISSED!!! I haven't even been able to get out there with my own junk to try it yet!!! :mad2:

I guess taking 5 years to complete a project could be part of the problem. :eek:

Looks like we need a "flash flood" ;) to warsh all them stacked rocks away.


I drive Frankenstein!!
I have never wheeled RS/CON before and I am going to be doing so this Saturday. From what I have gathered I should not even attempt Con since I have 33" tires? What's your opinion on this matter? I also only have one locker but I have a wench... I mean a ... winch. :greg:


I like traffic lights
Down Or'm
PierCed_3 said:
I have never wheeled RS/CON before and I am going to be doing so this Saturday. From what I have gathered I should not even attempt Con since I have 33" tires? What's your opinion on this matter? I also only have one locker but I have a wench... I mean a ... winch. :greg:

I've got both ends locked up on 33's and the entrance obstacle (see pic with Con sign in it) took a couple tries, but I made it. Other than that, the trail isn't bad except for the water fall, but you have a wench... errr, winch so you'll be golden. Try that first obstacle. If you make it, procede. If not, don't take the bypass and admit defeat. My $.02.


somewhat damaged
After reading this thread and seeing the Con in person a few weeks ago, I feel fortunate to know people with private trails on private land and other trails that will hopefully never get a lot of public attention. :-\

Sometimes it's nice to have trails and a place to go where people don't have to prove anything by making bypasses and destoying the original design of the trails.