Seth & Rock Logic

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Formerly black_ZJ
Wow, this is intense, I know neither party but pray this guy gets his money back!! If I owned a shop and was moving or to transfer ownership, I feel it would be my fiduciary responsibility to ensure all pending transactions were completed prior to any move or transfer of ownership or management. In the least, I would both call and write to all clients/customers to make them very aware of what was going on. This is going to cost both parties a loss of business and black mark RockLogic for all future business. I hope the new management is fully aware of what is going on and is expecting to deal with these types of problems.


Well-Known Member
RockLogic 4x4 Sale
From now til Feb 15th all builder parts will be discounted 15% this will include, Heims, Tabs, Brackets, High Steer arms, shock hoops, limiting straps, inserts, Etc. There are a few specialty sales as well so stop by and check them out.

1342 W 7800 S
West Jordan, UT 84088


1342w 7800s
West Jordan, UT 84088


So I take it this sale is no longer going on!!!!!!!!!! But by the sounds of it I am pretty happy that I didnt throw a bunch of money just yet. Any info?????????? Opinions?????????


Formerly WJ ZUK
Pretty sure that was last year lol. Might want to check the thread or post date. I mean uhhh....I'm sure thats still going, head on down;)


Registered User
Note to all involved, frustrations are understandable, but continues publis bickering serves no ones intersest.

Although if/when the issue is resolved, a public awknowledgment is in order.


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
Note to all involved, frustrations are understandable, but continues publis bickering serves no ones intersest.

Although if/when the issue is resolved, a public awknowledgment is in order.

Humm..... I'm not seeing anything out of line in this post. In fact, I'm appreciating all that is being said and how it is being handled.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
I agree with Shawn. No bickering in this thread at all, just point/counterpoint.

The burden is on Seth to show it other than Lucrum, Inc. has said

The burden is on Lucrcum, Inc. to publicly acknowledge any resolution

Seems pretty above-board to me so far. *shrug*


Suddenly Enthusiastic
I have deleted some posts in this thread that are out-of-line. I will continue to delete posts that are inappropriate. So far people have mostly kept to stating the facts from their point of view.
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Lucrum Ind.

New Member
I spoke to Seth today and had a polite productive conversation. He has assured me that he will be refunding my money to me on Monday and that the transfer of the business has cause all problems I have previously mentioned. I told Seth, in good faith that he will follow through on Monday, that if he follows through and refunds I will let everyone know it worked out ok and consider this closed. Thanks everyone for the support and transparency this forum is enabling for all of us.


Registered User
West jordan
I just wanted to follw up that I have been in contact with Seth and with his help retrieved my jeep this morning. I certainly didn't mean to unleash this **** storm upon him. Seth still has some of my parts but I have no concerns about getting them. I believe that I am a pretty good judge of character and suspect that Seth will make things right with his customers. I am not defending him, only stating my observations of my interactions with him. I wish that the communications would have been better with me, but as a small business owner myself, I am empathetic to how someones initial reaction can be, to avoid rather than to communicate when all hell seems to be breaking loose. I'm am not implying that anyone is wrong for feeling frustrated, as I have felt that way also. But I am stating that it is my opinion that your frustations are from mistakes that Rocklogic has made, and not a result of dealing with someone whos intention was to defraud you.


I run a tight ship... wreck
Good to hear you got your Jeep back, thanks for letting us know. :)

I'm hoping to hear from Lucrum Ind. soon saying that either he got his parts or his money back, so we can close this thread.

Lucrum Ind.

New Member
I spoke to Seth today and he said that his account was not set up yet. He told me that it should be ready tomorrow now instead. I do hope I get paid back and when I do you are more than welcome to close this thread. I will be glad to have this long process over as well. Thanks.


"Why You Say"
Salty City
I would have to agree with redd7, that is the Seth I know. He will make good on things if he can. I hope he doesn't mind me saying this, but he mentioned to me that there are customers that owe him a combined amount of about $50,000 on vehicles that he let go with a promise to pay. Perhaps this forum could help him out on collecting this money. I am sure that Seth would appreciate it. It is my experience, and I am sure that Seth, Von, Ben, etc., etc., would agree that the amount of money lost from unpaid customer bills is very significant and will never compare to the little bit of money we are talking about on this thread. Not to deminish the importance of it but just to give it a little percpective. I firmly beleive in paying my obligations first, I just wish everyone I dealt with did as well. I vote that we cut Seth some slack. The country is going through some tough times and I am sure that there are many of us that have plenty of challenges of our own. Good luck Seth with your future endevors.


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
Ok, This is not directed at anyone in particular but I have to add based on Rad's post. If a company allows it's self to go into debt due to uncollected bills that is the companies fault not the consumers. Company policy should be payment due upon completion. If payment is not made products or labor should not be submitted.

Sorry, Nobody knows when the economy is going to tank and if your company is in debt due it collections from customers you better plan on tanking with it.


Have a nice day. :D


I would have to agree with redd7, that is the Seth I know. He will make good on things if he can. I hope he doesn't mind me saying this, but he mentioned to me that there are customers that owe him a combined amount of about $50,000 on vehicles that he let go with a promise to pay. Perhaps this forum could help him out on collecting this money. I am sure that Seth would appreciate it. It is my experience, and I am sure that Seth, Von, Ben, etc., etc., would agree that the amount of money lost from unpaid customer bills is very significant and will never compare to the little bit of money we are talking about on this thread. Not to deminish the importance of it but just to give it a little percpective. I firmly beleive in paying my obligations first, I just wish everyone I dealt with did as well. I vote that we cut Seth some slack. The country is going through some tough times and I am sure that there are many of us that have plenty of challenges of our own. Good luck Seth with your future endevors.

I agree with this, but not without adding that deadbeat customers can break a company, but only if you let them.... If you have a problem with deadbeats its really a problem with your sales/credit or extension policy. you have to get deposits, signatures and hold their product ransom for payment if nessasary, in this day and age. sad but true. I do these things and rarely get burned but it does happen occasionally. the other day I had someone write me a check for $460 out of an account that didnt exist. should be interesting how this one plays out.

Mead, WA
Ok, This is not directed at anyone in particular but I have to add based on Rad's post. If a company allows it's self to go into debt due to uncollected bills that is the companies fault not the consumers. Company policy should be payment due upon completion. If payment is not made products or labor should not be submitted.

Sorry, Nobody knows when the economy is going to tank and if your company is in debt due it collections from customers you better plan on tanking with it.


Have a nice day. :D

I agree... If I'm doing anything substantial or with people I don't know, I get either a sizable deposit or payment in full. Regardless if it's a one off or not. Does it hurt my business? I don't think so, unless my potential customer is looking for a credit account to screw.
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