Snakes this Saturday: July 7th

Which time would you prefer (only answer if you plan on attending)

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How difficult is mineral basin? If I brought a rig on dually one-tons and 42's would that be way too "overbuilt" for the trail?
Have fun.. We just got back. It was great. We ended up going to Forest lake also. I left some glass on the trail where I tried to force a pass with a guy in a Toyota. First I broke his window, then mine. My fault. Doh! Good to meet you Dave.
All of it is inside my Jeep:) it was on Mineral Basin just as I narrows down and goes into the willows.
He was coming up and I was going down. Unfortunate :(

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Sucks to hear about that westernhunter. I'm not going to lie I pucker my seat everytime driving up there with on coming traffic. Was the water still running down the trail? I just think that is a cool aspect if the trail for me.
Ha. I'm getting excited to go on this trail and meet new people. I'm leaving in twenty minutes lol. Live so far away but always worth it.